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docs/tips: distinguish pure and impure installation methods for raw lua
2025-02-05 10:32:48 +03:00

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Pure Lua Configuration

We recognize that you might not always want to configure your setup purely in Nix, sometimes doing things in Lua is simply the "superior" option. In such a case you might want to configure your Neovim instance using Lua, and nothing but Lua. It is also possible to mix Lua and Nix configurations.

Pure Lua or hybrid Lua/Nix configurations can be achieved in two different ways. Purely, by modifying Neovim's runtime directory or impurely by placing Lua configuration in a directory found in $HOME. For your convenience, this section will document both methods as they can be used.

Pure Runtime Directory

As of 0.6, nvf allows you to modify Neovim's runtime path to suit your needs. One of the ways the new runtime option is to add a configuration located relative to your flake.nix, which must be version controlled in pure flakes manner.

  # Let us assume we are in the repository root, i.e., the same directory as the
  # flake.nix. For the sake of the argument, we will assume that the Neovim lua
  # configuration is in a nvim/ directory relative to flake.nix.
  vim = {
    additionalRuntimeDirectories = [
      # This will be added to Neovim's runtime paths. Conceptually, this behaves
      # very similarly to ~/.config/nvim but you may not place a top-level
      # init.lua to be able to require it directly.

This will add the nvim directory, or rather, the store path that will be realised after your flake gets copied to the Nix store, to Neovim's runtime directory. You may now create a lua/myconfig directory within this nvim directory, and call it with .

{pkgs, ...}: {
  vim = {
    additionalRuntimeDirectories = [
      # You can list more than one file here.

      # To make sure list items are ordered, use lib.mkBefore or lib.mkAfter
      # Simply placing list items in a given order will **not** ensure that
      # this list  will be deterministic.

    startPlugins = [pkgs.vimPlugins.gitsigns];

    # Neovim supports in-line syntax highlighting for multi-line strings.
    # Simply place the filetype in a /* comment */ before the line.
    luaConfigRC.myconfig = /* lua */ ''
      -- Call the Lua module from ./nvim/lua/myconfig

      -- Any additional Lua configuration that you might want *after* your own
      -- configuration. For example, a plugin setup call.

Impure Absolute Directory

As of Neovim 0.9, {var}$NVIM_APPNAME is a variable expected by Neovim to decide on the configuration directory. nvf sets this variable as "nvf", meaning ~/.config/nvf will be regarded as the configuration directory by Neovim, similar to how ~/.config/nvim behaves in regular installations. This allows some degree of Lua configuration, backed by our low-level wrapper mnw. Creating a lua/ directory located in $NVIM_APPNAME ("nvf" by default) and placing your configuration in, e.g., ~/.config/nvf/lua/myconfig will allow you to require it as a part of the Lua module system through nvf's module system.

Let's assume your ~/.config/nvf/lua/myconfig/init.lua consists of the following:

-- init.lua
vim.keymap.set("n", " ", "<Nop>", { silent = true, remap = false })
vim.g.mapleader = " "

The following Nix configuration via will allow loading this

  # The attribute name "myconfig-dir" here is arbitrary. It is required to be
  # a *named* attribute by the DAG system, but the name is entirely up to you.
  vim.luaConfigRC.myconfig-dir = ''

    -- Any additional Lua

After you load your custom configuration, you may use an init.lua located in your custom configuration directory to configure Neovim exactly as you would without a wrapper like nvf. If you want to place your require call in a specific position (i.e., before or after options you set in nvf) the DAG system will let you place your configuration in a location of your choosing.