Appendix C. Release Notes

Table of Contents

Release 0.1
Release 0.2
Release 0.3
Release 0.4
Release 0.5
Release 0.6
Release 0.7

This section lists the release notes for tagged version of nvf and the current main current main branch

Release 0.1

Table of Contents


This is the current master branch and information here is not final. These are changes from the v0.01 tag.

Special thanks to home-manager for this release. Docs/manual generation, the new module evaluation system, and DAG implementation are from them.



  • Removed hare language support (lsp/tree-sitter/etc). vim.lsp.hare is no longer defined. If you use hare and would like it added back, please file an issue.

  • vim.stratPlugins & vim.optPlugins are now an enum of string for options sourced from the flake inputs. Users can still provide vim plugin packages.

    • If you are contributing and adding a new plugin, add the plugin name to availablePlugins in types-plugin.nix.

  • neovimBuilder has been removed for configuration. Using an overlay is no longer required. See the manual for the new way to configuration.

  • Treesitter grammars are now configurable with vim.treesitter.grammars. Utilizes the nixpkgs nvim-treesitter plugin rather than a custom input in order to take advantage of build support of pinned versions. See relevant discourse post for more information. Packages can be found under the vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.builtGrammars namespace.

  • vim.configRC and vim.luaConfigRC are now of type DAG lines. This allows for ordering of the config. Usage is the same is in home-manager’s home.activation option.

vim.luaConfigRC = lib.nvim.dag.entryAnywhere "config here"


Release 0.2

Table of Contents


Release notes for release 0.2



  • Added two minimap plugins under vim.minimap. codewindow.nvim is enabled by default, while minimap.vim is available with its code-minimap dependency.

  • A complementary plugin, obsidian.nvim and the Neovim alternative for Emacs’ orgmode with orgmode.nvim have been added. Both will be disabled by default.

  • Smooth scrolling for ANY movement command is now available with cinnamon.nvim

  • You will now notice a dashboard on startup. This is provided by the alpha.nvim plugin. You can use any of the three available dashboard plugins, or disable them entirely.

  • There is now a scrollbar on active buffers, which can highlight errors by hooking to your LSPs. This is on by default, but can be toggled off under vim.visuals if seen necessary.

  • Discord Rich Presence has been added through presence.nvim for those who want to flex that they are using the superior text editor.

  • An icon picker is now available with telescope integration. You can use :IconPickerInsert or :IconPickerYank to add icons to your code.

  • A general-purpose cheatsheet has been added through cheatsheet.nvim. Forget no longer!

  • ccc.nvim has been added to the default plugins to allow picking colors with ease.

  • Most UI components of Neovim have been replaced through the help of noice.nvim. There are also notifications and custom UI elements available for Neovim messages and prompts.

  • A (floating by default) terminal has been added through toggleterm.nvim.

  • Harness the power of ethical (tabnine.nvim) and not-so-ethical (copilot.lua) AI by those new assistant plugins. Both are off by default, TabNine needs to be wrapped before it’s working.

  • Experimental mouse gestures have been added through gesture.nvim. See plugin page and the relevant module for more details on how to use.

  • Re-open last visited buffers via nvim-session-manager. Disabled by default as deleting buffers seems to be problematic at the moment.

  • Most of NvimTree’s configuration options have been changed with some options being toggled to off by default.

  • Lualine had its configuration simplified and style toned down. Less color, more info.

  • Modules where multiple plugin configurations were in the same directory have been simplified. Each plugin inside a single module gets its directory to be imported.

  • Separate config options with the same parent attribute have been merged into one for simplicity.

Release 0.3

Table of Contents


Release 0.3 had to come out beore I wanted it to due to Neovim 0.9 dropping into nixpkgs-unstable. The treesitter changes have prompted a treesitter rework, which was followed by reworking the languages system. Most of the changes to those are downstreamed from the original repository. The feature requests that was originally planned for 0.3 have been moved to 0.4, which should come out soon.


  • We have transitioned to flake-parts, from flake-utils to extend the flexibility of this flake. This means the flake structure is different than usual, but the functionality remains the same.

  • We now provide a home-manager module. Do note that it is still far from perfect, but it works.

  • nodejs_16 is now bundled with Copilot.lua if the user has enabled Copilot assistant.

  • which-key section titles have been fixed. This is to be changed once again in a possible keybind rewrite, but now it should display the correct titles instad of +prefix

  • Most of presence.nvim’s options have been made fully configurable through your configuration file.

  • Most of the modules have been refactored to separate config and options attributes.

  • Darwin has been deprecated as the zig package is marked as broken. We will attempt to use the zig overlay to return Darwin support.

  • Fidget.nvim has been added as a neat visual addition for LSP installations.

  • diffview.nvim has been added to provide a convenient diff utility.

  • Treesitter grammars are now configurable with vim.treesitter.grammars. Utilizes the nixpkgs nvim-treesitter plugin rather than a custom input in order to take advantage of build support of pinned versions. See discourse for more information. Packages can be found under the pkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.builtGrammars attribute. Treesitter grammars for supported languages should be enabled within the module. By default no grammars are installed, thus the following grammars which do not have a language section are not included anymore: comment, toml, make, html, css, graphql, json.

  • A new section has been added for language support: vim.languages.<language>.

    • The options vim.languages.enableLSP, vim.languages.enableTreesitter, etc. will enable the respective section for all languages that have been enabled.

    • All LSP languages have been moved here

    • plantuml and markdown have been moved here

    • A new section has been added for html. The old vim.treesitter.autotagHtml can be found at <<opt-vim.languages.html.treesitter.autotagHtml>>.

  • vim.git.gitsigns.codeActions has been added allowing you to turn on gitsigns codeactions.

  • Removed the plugins document in the docs. Was too unwieldy to keep updated.

  • vim.visual.lspkind has been moved to vim.lsp.lspkind.enable

  • Improved handling of completion formatting. When setting vim.autocomplete.sources, can also include optional menu mapping. And can provide your own function with vim.autocomplete.formatting.format.

  • For vim.visuals.indentBlankline.fillChar and vim.visuals.indentBlankline.eolChar turning them off should use null rather than "" now.

  • Transparency has been made optional and has been disabled by default. vim.theme.transparent option can be used to enable or disable transparency for your configuration.

  • Fixed deprecated configuration method for Tokyonight, and added new style “moon”

  • Dart language support as well as extended flutter support has been added. Thanks to @FlafyDev for his contributions towards Dart language support.

  • Elixir language support has been added through elixir-tools.nvim.

  • hop.nvim and leap.nvim have been added for fast navigation.

  • modes.nvim has been added to the UI plugins as a minor error highlighter.

  • smartcollumn.nvim has been added to dynamically display a colorcolumn when the limit has been exceeded, providing per-buftype column position and more.

  • project.nvim has been added for better project management inside Neovim.

  • More configuration options have been added to nvim-session-manager.

  • Editorconfig support has been added to the core functionality, with an enable option.

  • venn-nvim has been dropped due to broken keybinds.

Release 0.4

Table of Contents


Following the release of v0.3, I have decided to release v0.4 with a massive new change: customizable keybinds. As of the 0.4 release, keybinds will no longer be hardcoded and instead provided by each module’s own keybinds section. The old keybind system (vim.keybinds = {}) is now considered deprecated and the new lib functions are recommended to be used for adding keybinds for new plugins, or adding keybinds to existing plugins.

Alongside customizable keybinds, there are a few quality of life updates, such as lazygit integration and the new experimental Lua loader of Neovim 0.9 thanks to our awesome contributors who made this update possible during my absence.



  • Streamlined keybind adding process towards new functions in extended stdlib.

  • Moved default keybinds into keybinds section of each module

  • Simplified luaConfigRC and configRC setting - they can now just take strings

  • Refactored the resolveDag function - you can just provide a string now, which will default to dag.entryAnywhere

  • Fixed formatting sometimes removing parts of files

  • Made formatting synchronous

  • Gave null-ls priority over other formatters


  • Added clangd as alternative lsp for C/++.

  • Added toggleterm integration for lazygit.

  • Added new option enableluaLoader to enable neovim’s experimental module loader for faster startup time.

  • Fixed bug where flutter-tools can’t find dart LSP

  • Added Debug Adapter (DAP) support for clang, rust, go, python and dart.


  • Made Copilot’s Node package configurable. It is recommended to keep as default, but providing a different NodeJS version is now possible.

  • Added vim.cursorlineOpt for configuring Neovim’s cursorlineOpt.

  • Added filetree.nvimTreeLua.view.cursorline, default false, to enable cursorline in nvimtre.

  • Added Fidget.nvim support for the Catppuccin theme.

  • Updated bundled NodeJS version used by Copilot.lua. v16 is now marked as insecure on Nixpkgs, and we updated to v18

  • Enabled Catppuccin modules for plugins available by default.

  • Added experimental Svelte support under vim.languages.

  • Removed unnecessary scrollbar element from notifications and codeaction warning UI.

  • vim.utility.colorizer has been renamed to vim.utility.ccc after the plugin it uses

  • Color preview via nvim-colorizer.lua

  • Updated Lualine statusline UI

  • Added vim-illuminate for smart highlighting

  • Added a module for enabling Neovim’s spellchecker

  • Added prettierd as an alternative formatter to prettier - currently defaults to prettier

  • Fixed presence.nvim inheriting the wrong client id

  • Cleaned up documentation

Release 0.5

Table of Contents


Release notes for release 0.5



  • Added phan language server for PHP

  • Added phpactor language server for PHP


  • Added transparency support for tokyonight theme

  • Fixed a bug where cmp’s close and scrollDocs mappings wasn’t working

  • Streamlined and simplified extra plugin API with the addition of vim.extraPlugins

  • Allow using command names in place of LSP packages to avoid automatic installation

  • Add lua LSP and treesitter support, and neodev.nvim plugin support

  • Add vim.lsp.mappings.toggleFormatOnSave keybind


  • Added daily notes options for obsidian plugin

  • Added jdt-language-server for Java




  • Added GitHub Copilot to nvim-cmp completion sources.

  • Added vim.ui.borders.enable for global and individual plugin border configuration.

  • LSP integrated breadcrumbs with vim.ui.breadcrumbs.enable through nvim-navic

  • LSP navigation helper with nvim-navbuddy, depends on nvim-navic (automatically enabled if navic is enabled)

  • Addeed nvim-navic integration for catppuccin theme

  • Fixed mismatching zig language description

  • Added support for statix and deadnix through vim.languages.nix.extraDiagnostics.types

  • Added lsp_lines plugin for showing diagnostic messages

  • Added a configuration option for choosing the leader key

  • The package used for neovim is now customizable by the user, using vim.package. For best results, always use an unwrapped package

  • Added highlight-undo plugin for highlighting undo/redo targets

  • Added bash LSP and formatter support

  • Disabled Lualine LSP status indicator for toggleterm buffer

  • Added nvim-docs-view, a plugin to display lsp hover documentation in a side panel

  • Switched to nixosOptionsDoc in option documentation. To quote home-manager commit: “Output is mostly unchanged aside from some minor typographical and formatting changes, along with better source links.”

  • Updated indent-blankine.nvim to v3 - this comes with a few option changes, which will be migrated with renamedOptionModule


  • Fixed scrollOffset not being used

  • Updated clangd to 16

  • Disabled useSystemClipboard by default


  • Add support to change mappings to utility/surround

  • Add black-and-isort python formatter

  • Removed redundant “Enable …” in mkEnableOption descriptions

  • Add options to modify LSP key bindings and add proper whichkey descriptions

  • Changed type of statusline.lualine.activeSection and statusline.lualine.inactiveSection from attrsOf str to attrsOf (listOf str)

  • Added statusline.lualine.extraActiveSection and statusline.lualine.extraInactiveSection

Release 0.6

Release notes for release 0.6

Breaking Changes and Migration Guide

In v0.6 we are introducing setupOpts: many plugin related options are moved into their respective setupOpts submodule, e.g. nvimTree.disableNetrw is renamed to nvimTree.setupOpts.disable_netrw.

Why? in short, you can now pass in anything to setupOpts and it will be passed to your require'plugin'.setup{...}. No need to wait for us to support every single plugin option.

The warnings when you rebuild your config should be enough to guide you through what you need to do, if there’s an option that was renamed but wasn’t listed in the warning, please file a bug report!

To make your migration process less annoying, here’s a keybind that will help you with renaming stuff from camelCase to snake_case (you’ll be doing that a lot):

-- paste this in a temp.lua file and load it in vim with :source /path/to/temp.lua
function camelToSnake()
    -- Get the current word under the cursor
    local word = vim.fn.expand("<cword>")
    -- Replace each capital letter with an underscore followed by its lowercase equivalent
    local snakeCase = string.gsub(word, "%u", function(match)
        return "_" .. string.lower(match)
    -- Remove the leading underscore if present
    if string.sub(snakeCase, 1, 1) == "_" then
        snakeCase = string.sub(snakeCase, 2)
    vim.fn.setreg(vim.v.register, snakeCase)
    -- Select the word under the cursor and paste
    vim.cmd("normal! viwP")

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>a', ':lua camelToSnake()<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true })



  • Added Terraform language support.

  • Added ChatGPT.nvim, which can be enabled with vim.assistant.chatgpt. Do keep in mind that this option requires OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable to be set.


  • Added Gruvbox theme.

  • Added marksman LSP for Markdown.

  • Fixed markdown preview with Glow not working and added an option for changing the preview keybind.

  • colorizer.nvim: switched to a maintained fork.

  • Added markdown-preview.nvim, moved glow.nvim to a brand new vim.utility.preview category.


  • Added rose-pine theme.


  • Added vim.autocomplete.alwaysComplete. Allows users to have the autocomplete window popup only when manually activated.


  • Fixed empty winbar when breadcrumbs are disabled.

  • Added custom setupOpts for various plugins.

  • Removed support for deprecated plugin “nvim-compe”.

  • Moved most plugins to setupOpts method.


  • Added option vim.luaPackages to wrap neovim with extra Lua packages.

  • Rewrote the entire fidget.nvim module to include extensive configuration options. Option vim.fidget-nvim.align.bottom has been removed in favor of vim.fidget-nvim.notification.window.align, which now supports top and bottom values. vim.fidget-nvim.align.right has no longer any equivalent and also has been removed.

  • which-key.nvim categories can now be customized through vim.binds.whichKey.register

  • Added magick to vim.luaPackages for image.nvim.

  • Added alejandra to the default devShell.

  • Migrated neovim-flake to makeNeovimUnstable wrapper.


  • Finished moving to nixosOptionsDoc in the documentation and changelog. All documentation options and files are fully free of Asciidoc, and will now use Nixpkgs flavored markdown.

  • Bumped plugin inputs to their latest versions.

  • Deprecated presence.nvim in favor of neocord. This means is removed and will throw a warning if used. You are recommended to rewrite your neocord configuration from scratch based on the. official documentation

  • Removed Tabnine plugin due to the usage of imperative tarball downloads. If you’d like to see it back, please create an issue.

  • Added support for css and tailwindcss through vscode-language-servers-extracted & tailwind-language-server. Those can be enabled through vim.languages.css and vim.languages.tailwind.

  • Lualine module now allows customizing always_divide_middle, ignore_focus and disabled_filetypes through the new options: vim.statusline.lualine.alwaysDivideMiddle, vim.statusline.lualine.ignoreFocus and vim.statusline.lualine.disabledFiletypes.

  • Updated all plugin inputs to their latest versions (21.04.2024) - this brought minor color changes to the Catppuccin theme.

  • Moved home-manager module entrypoint to flake/modules and added an experimental Nixos module. This requires further testing before it can be considered ready for use.

  • Made lib calls explicit. E.g. lib.strings.optionalString instead of lib.optionalString. This is a pattern expected to be followed by all contributors in the future.

  • Added image.nvim for image previews.

  • The final neovim package is now exposed. This means you can build the neovim package that will be added to your package list without rebuilding your system to test if your configuration yields a broken package.

  • Changed the tree structure to distinguish between core options and plugin options.

  • Added plugin auto-discovery from plugin inputs. This is mostly from JordanIsaac’s neovim-flake. Allows contributors to add plugin inputs with the plugin- prefix to have them automatically discovered for the plugin type in lib/types.

  • Moved internal wrapLuaConfig to the extended library, structured its arguments to take luaBefore, luaConfig and luaAfter as strings, which are then concatted inside a lua block.

  • Added vim.luaConfigBefore and vim.luaConfigAfter for inserting verbatim Lua configuration before and after the resolved Lua DAG respectively. Both of those options take strings as the type, so you may read the contents of a Lua file from a given path.

  • Added vim.spellChecking.ignoredFiletypes and vim.spellChecking.programmingWordlist.enable for ignoring certain filetypes in spellchecking and enabling vim-dirtytalk respectively. The previously used vim.spellcheck.vim-dirtytalk aliases to the latter option.

  • Exposed withRuby, withNodeJs, withPython3, and python3Packages from the makeNeovimConfig function under their respective options.

  • Added vim.extraPackages for appending additional packages to the wrapper PATH, making said packages available while inside the Neovim session.

  • Made treesitter options configurable, and moved treesitter-context to setupOpts` while it is enabled.

  • Added vim.notify.nvim-notify.setupOpts.render which takes either a string of enum or a lua function. The default is “compact”, but you may change it according to nvim-notify documentation.

Release 0.7

Release notes for release 0.7

Breaking Changes and Migration Guide

In v0.7 we are removing vim.configRC in favor of making vim.luaConfigRC the top-level DAG, and thereby making the entire configuration Lua based. This change introduces a few breaking changes:

  • vim.configRC has been removed, which means that you have to convert all of your custom vimscript-based configuration to Lua. As for how to do that, you will have to consult the Neovim documentation and your search engine.

  • After migrating your Vimscript-based configuration to Lua, you might not be able to use the same entry names in vim.luaConfigRC, because those have also slightly changed. See the new DAG entries in nvf manual for more details.


Neovim being an aggressive refactor of Vim, is designed to be mainly Lua based; making good use of its extensive Lua API. Additionally, Vimscript is slow and brings unnecessary performance overhead while working with different configuration formats.



  • Add support for typst under vim.languages.typst This will enable the typst-lsp language server, and the typstfmt formatter



  • Fix broken treesitter-context keybinds in visual mode

  • Deprecate use of __empty to define empty tables in Lua. Empty attrset are no longer filtered and thus should be used instead.

  • Add dap-go for better dap configurations

  • Make noice.nvim customizable

  • Standardize border style options and add custom borders

  • Switch from rust-tools.nvim to the more feature-packed rustaceanvim. This switch entails a whole bunch of new features and options, so you are recommended to go through rustacean.nvim’s README to take a closer look at its features and usage



  • Move the theme dag entry to before luaScript.

  • Add rustfmt as the default formatter for Rust.

  • Enabled the terminal integration of catppuccin for theming Neovim’s built-in terminal (this also affects toggleterm).

  • Migrate bufferline to setupOpts for more customizability

  • Use clangd as the default language server for C languages

  • Expose lib.nvim.types.pluginType, which for example allows the user to create abstractions for adding plugins

  • Migrate indent-blankline to setupOpts for more customizability. While the plugin’s options can now be found under indentBlankline.setupOpts, the previous iteration of the module also included out of place/broken options, which have been removed for the time being. These are:

    • listChar - this was already unused

    • fillChar - this had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it yourself by adding vim.opt.listchars:append({ space = '<char>' }) to your lua configuration

    • eolChar - this also had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it yourself by adding vim.opt.listchars:append({ eol = '<char>' }) to your lua configuration

  • Make Neovim’s configuration file entirely Lua based. This comes with a few breaking changes:

    • vim.configRC has been removed. You will need to migrate your entries to Neovim-compliant Lua code, and add them to vim.luaConfigRC instead. Existing vimscript configurations may be preserved in vim.cmd functions. Please see Neovim documentation on vim.cmd

    • vim.luaScriptRC is now the top-level DAG, and the internal vim.pluginRC has been introduced for setting up internal plugins. See the “DAG entries in nvf” manual page for more information.


  • Add deno fmt as the default Markdown formatter. This will be enabled automatically if you have autoformatting enabled, but can be disabled manually if you choose to.

  • Add vim.extraLuaFiles for optionally sourcing additional lua files in your configuration.

  • Refactor programs.languages.elixir to use lspconfig and none-ls for LSP and formatter setups respectively. Diagnostics support is considered, and may be added once the credo linter has been added to nixpkgs. A pull request is currently open.

  • Remove vim-tidal and friends.

  • Clean up Lualine module to reduce theme dependency on Catppuccin, and fixed blending issues in component separators.

  • Add [ts-ereror-translator.nvim] extension of the TS language module, under vim.languages.ts.extensions.ts-error-translator to aid with Typescript development.

  • Add [neo-tree.nvim] as an alternative file-tree plugin. It will be available under vim.filetree.neo-tree, similar to nvimtree.

  • Add nvf-print-config & nvf-print-config-path helper scripts to Neovim closure. Both of those scripts have been automatically added to your PATH upon using neovimConfig or programs.nvf.enable.

    • nvf-print-config will display your init.lua, in full.

    • nvf-print-config-path will display the path to a clone of your init.lua. This is not the path used by the Neovim wrapper, but an identical clone.

  • Add vim.ui.breadcrumbs.lualine to allow fine-tuning breadcrumbs behaviour on Lualine. Only vim.ui.breadcrumbs.lualine.winbar is supported for the time being.


  • Telescope:

    • Fixed project-nvim command and keybinding

    • Added default ikeybind/command for Telescope resume (<leader>fr)