Appendix B. Release Notes

B.1. Release 0.1
B.1.1. Changelog
B.2. Release 0.2
B.2.1. Changelog

This section lists the release notes for tagged version of neovim-flake and current main.

B.1. Release 0.1

This is the current master branch and information here is not final. These are changes from the v0.01 tag.

Special thanks to home-manager for this release. Docs/manual generation, the new module evaluation system, and DAG implementation are from them.

B.1.1. Changelog


  • Removed hare language support (lsp/tree-sitter/etc). vim.lsp.hare is no longer defined. If you use hare and would like it added back, please file an issue.
  • vim.startPlugins & vim.optPlugins are now an enum of string for options sourced from the flake inputs. Users can still provide vim plugin packages.

    If you are contributing and adding a new plugin, add the plugin name to availablePlugins in types-plugin.nix.

  • neovimBuilder has been removed for configuration. Using an overlay is no longer required. See the manual for the new way to configuration.
  • Treesitter grammars are now configurable with vim.treesitter.grammars. Utilizes the nixpkgs nvim-treesitter plugin rather than a custom input in order to take advantage of build support of pinned versions. See discourse for more information. Packages can be found under the vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.builtGrammars namespace.
  • vim.configRC and vim.luaConfigRC are now of type DAG lines. This allows for ordering of the config. Usage is the same is in home-manager’s home.activation option.

    vim.luaConfigRC = lib.nvim.dag.entryAnywhere "config here"


B.2. Release 0.2

Release notes for release 0.2

B.2.1. Changelog


  • Added two minimap plugins under vim.minimap. codewindow.nvim is enabled by default, while minimap.vim is available with its code-minimap dependency.
  • A complementary plugin, ‘obsidian.nvim` and the Neovim alternative for Emacs’ orgmode with orgmode.nvim have been added. Both will be disabled by default.
  • Smooth scrolling for ANY movement command is now available with cinnamon.nvim
  • You will now notice a dashboard on startup. This is provided by the alpha.nvim plugin. You can use any of the three available dashboard plugins, or disable them entirely.
  • There is now a scrollbar on active buffers, which can highlight errors by hooking to your LSPs. This is on by default, but can be toggled off under vim.visuals if seen necessary.
  • Discord Rich Presence has been added through presence.nvim for those who want to flex that they are using the superior text editor.
  • An icon picker is now available with telescope integration. You can use :IconPickerInsert or :IconPickerYank to add icons to your code.
  • A general purpose cheatsheet has been added through cheatsheet.nvim. Forget no longer!
  • ccc.nvim has been added to the default plugins to allow picking colors with ease.
  • Most UI components of Neovim have been replaced through the help of noice.nvim. There are also notifications and custom UI elements available for Neovim messages and prompts.
  • A (floating by default) terminal has been added through toggleterm.nvim.
  • Harness the power of ethical (tabnine.nvim) and not-so-ethical (copilot.lua) AI by those new assistant plugins. Both are off by default, TabNine needs to be wrapped before it’s working.
  • Experimental mouse gestures have been addede through gesture.nvim. See plugin page and the relevant module for more details on how to use.
  • Re-open last visited buffers via nvim-session-manager. Disabled by default as deleting buffers seems to be problematic at the moment.
  • Most of NvimTree’s configuration options have been changed with some options being toggled to off by default.
  • Lualine had its configuration simplified and style toned down. Less color, more info.
  • Modules where multiple plugin configurations were in the same directory have been simplified. Each plugin inside a single module gets its own directory to be imported.
  • Separate config options with the same parent attribute have been merged into one for simplicity.