Appendix A. Plugin specific quirks

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At times, certain plugins refuse to play nicely. Be it as a result of generating lua from Nix, or the state of packaging. This page shall list any plugins that are known to misbehave, and potential workarounds.


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When working with NodeJS, everything works as expected, but some projects have settings that can fool nvf.

If this plugin or similar is included, you might get a situation where your eslint configuration diagnoses your formatting according to its own config (usually .eslintrc.js).

The issue there is your formatting is made via prettierd.

This results in auto-formating relying on your prettier config, while your eslint config diagnoses formatting which it’s not supposed to)

In the end, you get discrepancies between what your editor does and what it wants.

Solutions are:

  1. Don’t add a formatting config to eslint, and separate prettier and eslint.

  2. PR this repo to add an ESLint formatter and configure nvf to use it.