require "file_utils" if LuckyEnv.test? # Logs to `tmp/test.log` so you can see what's happening without having # a bunch of log output in your spec results. FileUtils.mkdir_p("tmp") backend ="tmp/test.log", mode: "w")) backend.formatter = Lucky::PrettyLogFormatter.proc Log.dexter.configure(:debug, backend) elsif LuckyEnv.production? # Lucky uses JSON in production so logs can be searched more easily # # If you want logs like in develpoment use 'Lucky::PrettyLogFormatter.proc'. backend = backend.formatter = Dexter::JSONLogFormatter.proc Log.dexter.configure(:info, backend) else # Use a pretty formatter printing to STDOUT in development backend = backend.formatter = Lucky::PrettyLogFormatter.proc Log.dexter.configure(:debug, backend) DB::Log.level = :info end # Lucky only logs when before/after pipes halt by redirecting, or rendering a # response. Pipes that run without halting are not logged. # # If you want to log every pipe that runs, set the log level to ':info' Lucky::ContinuedPipeLog.dexter.configure(:none) # Lucky only logs failed queries by default. # # Set the log to ':info' to log all queries Avram::QueryLog.dexter.configure(:none) # Subscribe to Pulsar events to log when queries are made, # queries fail, or save operations fail. Remove this to # disable these log events without disabling all logging. Avram.initialize_logging # Skip logging static assets requests in development Lucky::LogHandler.configure do |settings| if LuckyEnv.development? settings.skip_if = ->(context : HTTP::Server::Context) { context.request.method.downcase == "get" && context.request.resource.starts_with?(/\/css\/|\/js\/|\/assets\/|\/favicon\.ico/) } end end