<?php include 'app/Models/Project.php'; include 'app/Models/ProjectCategory.php'; return [ new ProjectCategory("Websites", [ new Project( "diskfloppy.me", "The website you're looking at right now!", "https://github.com/floppydisk05/diskfloppy.me", [ "PHP", "CSS" ]), new Project( "NetDrivers", "Driver downloads website.", "https://github.com/floppydisk05/NetDrivers", [ "Ruby", "CSS" ]) ]), new ProjectCategory("APIs", [ new Project( "trivia-api", "API to serve random trivia questions.", "https://github.com/floppydisk05/trivia-api", [ "JavaScript" ] ) ]), new ProjectCategory("Discord Bots", [ new Project( "PlexBot", "A basic bot to play music from the configured Plex server in a Discord voice channel.", "https://github.com/floppydisk05/PlexBot", [ "Python" ] ) ]), new ProjectCategory("Abandoned Projects", [ new Project( "website-cf", "Rewrite of my personal website in Adobe ColdFusion.", "https://github.com/floppydisk05/website-cf", [ "Adobe ColdFusion" ] ), new Project( "WinBotJDA", "Rewrite of CamK06's WinBot using Java and DiscordJDA.", "https://github.com/floppydisk05/WinBotJDA", [ "Java" ] ), new Project( "delayed-eject", "Scripts which eject the cd drive a lot to annoy nick.", "https://github.com/floppydisk05/delayed-eject", [ "Shell", "C" ] ), new Project( "php-sound", "Plays a specified sound file or files on the web server when a php page is loaded.", "https://github.com/floppydisk05/php-sound", [ "PHP", "Shell" ] ) ]) ];