<?php return [ "toh" => [ [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "EDA", "line" => "Ahh sure. Spare us." ], [ "character" => "LILITH", "line" => "Woe to us whose fates are sealed." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E11" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "EDA", "line" => "Hey freeloaders! Guess what today is!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E12" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "EDA", "line" => "Quitting! It's like trying, but easier!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E13" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Can it, Fangs! You don't know diddly-dang about squiddly-squat!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E13" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Holy bones, you poofed it! Call the cops, this guy's crazy!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E14" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "EDA", "line" => "There is one way, but it's terribly dangerous and partially illegal." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E15" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "GUS CLONE", "line" => "I'd rather die than expose my secrets!" ], [ "character" => "GUS", "line" => "Then die, you shall!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E15" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "LUZ", "line" => "Vee, you're giving up too quick!" ], [ "character" => "VEE", "line" => "I'm being realistic." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E10" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "LUZ", "line" => "I have questions about that name..." ], [ "character" => "LILITH", "line" => "And I have questions about my life!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E12" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "EMIRA", "line" => "We can shout as loud as we want, but money always shouts louder." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E20" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "VEE", "line" => "Uhh, no, I'm new in town, I just have one of those faces! But, ju-just one, the normal amount of face." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S3E01" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "RAINE", "line" => "You Know I Hate These Things. Talking To People. Waving To People. People." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E11" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Who dares intrude upon I, the King of Demons?!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E1" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Soon, Mr. Ducky, we shall drink the fear of those who mocked us." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E1" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Try to catch me when I’m covered in grease! I'm a squirmy little fella." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E1" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "My crown! Yes, yes! I can feel my powers returning! You, there. Nightmare critter. I shall call you Francois, and you shall be a minion in my army of darkness. Ha‐ha!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E1" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Weh?" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E1" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "That was actually one of her better breakups!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E1" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "I AM NOT YOUR CUTIE-PIE!!!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E2" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Ha! Good luck. The Boiling Isles is nothing but a cesspool of despair." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E2" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "You should run a small business of more scones into my mouth." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E2" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Finally, all that mean-spirited laughter made me sleepy." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E2" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Less talky, more nappy." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E2" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Can't mistake her smell. Like lemons and young, naïve confidence." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E2" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "I have no son! Eat salt!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E3" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Even demons have inner demons." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E4" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Look, now we're boo-boo buddies!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E4" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Bap!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E4" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Remember when her head got cut off last week? That woman can survive anything. She's probably just tired from staying up all night chasing shrews and voles." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E4" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "That voice. That horrific voice!!!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E4" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Show me the picture! Hah! I can draw better than that. You know, they once called me the King of Artists." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E5" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Are you bestowing gifts upon me? Yes! I accept your offering! The King of Demons is back!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E5" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Cupcakes in my tummy-tum makes the King say yummy-yum!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E5" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Mmm? Oh, yeah. No." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E5" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "I'm stealing everything that's not nailed down!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E6" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "King? Who's King? I go by Little Bone Boy now." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E6" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Rivals are meant to be annihilated not befriended. Now keep reading. I've been sucked into your awful fandom." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E7" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "What does Luz know about problems anyway? All she has is dumb teen drama! She doesn't understand how hard some of us have it." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E8" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Well, I don't know if you realized, but I'm not a baby!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E8" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "My life is a living nightmare!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E8" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Fight to the death!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E8" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "I've got some... very confusing emotions right now." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E8" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "All right, you acne‐encrusted hormone buckets. Let's go let out some teen angst!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E8" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Ooh! Fight, fight, fight!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E9" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Yes! Yes! This is a throne worthy of a tyrant. Bow to me you snotty underlings. Bow!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E10" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "*Rage squeals*" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E10" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Hey you scum! Which one of you wants to read my literary masterpiece? Anyone brave enough?" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E11" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "I've always wanted a people chair! I'm in! This will be my first step in my reclamation of power!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E11" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "I'm sorry, my lawyer advised me not to look at unsolicited work." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E11" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "What's a book? Good night!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E11" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Hey! Less ready, more scratchy!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E12" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Military discipline, cooking! Ha, I truly am a demon for all seasons! Just a dash of Eda's secret sauce and I'm the creator of life!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E12" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "This day shall live in infamy." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E12" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Obedience? Well, what is a teacher if not an authority figure? A king of children, if you will. Yes! I am your teacher! You may call me Mr. King!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E13" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Assume a coefficient of ten, carry the two, solve for Y, and that is the way to steal a pie from a windowsill! Also you can eat trash." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E13" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Alright. Read chapters three to five on the right way to scratch yourself in public. Spoiler alert: There's no wrong way! Ah, days like these make being a teacher all worth it." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E13" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Oh dear, I've gotten a tube stuck on my nose! Will I ever eat again? Looks like I'm toast!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E14" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "The King of Demons misses nobody! I wouldn't care if she came through this door right now!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E14" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Beat up the man and steal his things for me!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E14" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "I'm gonna bake that kid into a pie!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E15" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Senseless violence. Yes, attack! DEATH IS YOUR GOD!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E16" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "I FORGE MY OWN PATH!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E16" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Why am I doing this? I don't even wear clothes!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E16" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Ha! What possible regrets could come from the internet? Oh, did you know the earth is actually flat!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E16" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "We're going to turn this blood-bath into a fun-bath!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E16" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Girl, you can pull off anything! Up top! We're style geniuses!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E16" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Now I am king and queen! Best of both things!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E16" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Yes! Now I’ll strike fear into my enemies with this armor of intimidation." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E17" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "You know what, when she first got here, I thought we were gonna eat her. But now I only think of that, like, sometimes." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E18" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "The cake is me!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E18" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Me and Eda don't always see eye to eye, but I do consider her family. I want her back as much as you do." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E19" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "We'll have to do something so diabolical, so criminally insane, that they'll have to send us to the Conformatorium." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S1E19" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "I'm never letting you go! You're never returning to the human realm!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E1" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "King want a cracker!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E1" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Weh? Yeah yeah, I'll deal with it. No one ever said power came with responsibility..." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E2" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "The King of Demons yields to no one!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E3" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Ah, the chamber where I would devour the hearts of my foes. The taste was cold and bitter, but I bet yours would be sweet, Luz." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E3" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Is that a six-footed pig or a floating appendage? Why, no! It's Gus the Illusion Master. Please leave a message." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E5" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "And weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E7" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Haha! Saint Epiderm? More like Stank Epiderm!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E7" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "DID YOU OWL PELLET ME?!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E8" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "You look like one of my hairballs. Let's just do the trench coat thing!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E9" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Guess minecart chases are a lot more dangerous than video games make'em seem." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E9" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "I can't wait to eat HUMAN snacks!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E10" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "It was the... yeast I could do." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E11" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "With my love of mayhem and Hooty’s desperate need for attention, this’ll be a cake walk!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E11" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Hey, Eda, look! \"Dear sister, join the Emperor's Coven and together, we can become gods!\"" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E12" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Ooh! That'll work great when birds try to fly away with me." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E14" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "What you need is a healthy distractions from your problems. Like breakfast!" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E14" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Is this thing on? Demon King to Luzura, you copy?" ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E16" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "Uh, oh. Uh... Hable más lento, por favor." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S2E16" ], [ "lines" => [ [ "character" => "KING", "line" => "The Collector is just a little kid. A scary, powerful one, but… also… sad, and alone. I don’t know, this whole time, I was scared of making him mad, but… I think I can relate to him." ] ], "attribution" => "The Owl House, S3E1" ] ], "neversaid" => [ [ "name" => "ASM", "quote" => "The Director liked all the props we got today." ], [ "name" => "PM", "quote" => "Ah ha, a revolve. Terrific." ], [ "name" => "Chippie", "quote" => "I don't know, let's look at the ground plan." ], [ "name" => "Set Designer", "quote" => "Well, let's just have whatever is cheaper." ], [ "name" => "Sound", "quote" => "Better turn that down a bit. We don't want to deafen them." ], [ "name" => "Director", "quote" => "Sorry, my mistake." ], [ "name" => "Electrics", "quote" => "This equipment is more complicated than we need." ], [ "name" => "Performer", "quote" => "I really think my big scene should be cut." ], [ "name" => "SM", "quote" => "Can we do that scene change again please?" ], [ "name" => "LX designer", "quote" => "Bit more light from those big chaps at the side. Yes that's right, the ones on stalks whatever they are called." ], [ "name" => "Electrics", "quote" => "All the equipment works perfectly." ], [ "name" => "Musicians", "quote" => "So what if that's the end of a call. Let's just finish this bit off." ], [ "name" => "Wardrobe", "quote" => "Now, when exactly is the first dress rehearsal?" ], [ "name" => "Workshop", "quote" => "I don't want anyone to know, but if you insist then yes, I admit it, I have just done an all-nighter." ], [ "name" => "Performer", "quote" => "This costume is so comfortable." ], [ "name" => "Admin", "quote" => "The level of overtime payments here are simply unacceptable. Our backstage staff deserve better." ], [ "name" => "Box Office", "quote" => "Comps? No problem." ], [ "name" => "Set Designer", "quote" => "You're right, it looks dreadful." ], [ "name" => "Flyman", "quote" => "No, my lips are sealed. What I may or may not have seen remains a secret." ], [ "name" => "Electrics", "quote" => "That had nothing to do with the computer, it was my fault." ], [ "name" => "Crew", "quote" => "No, no, I'm sure that's our job." ], [ "name" => "SMgt", "quote" => "Thanks, but I don't drink." ], [ "name" => "Performer", "quote" => "Let me stand down here with my back to the audience." ], [ "name" => "Chippie", "quote" => "I can't really manage those big fast power tools myself." ], [ "name" => "Chippie", "quote" => "I prefer to use these little hand drills." ], [ "name" => "All", "quote" => "Let's go and ask the Production Manager. He'll know." ] ] ];