# 🌙 nyxexprs My personal package overlay for sharing my most commonly used derivations. ## 📦 Packages There are several packages exposed by this flake. Each directory in `pkgs` contains a description of the package inside its README. | Package | Description | | :--------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | alejandra-custom | A patched version of the **Alejandra** Nix formatter, without the pesky ads and spacing patches | | ani-cli | An up-to-date, auto updated version of ani-cli following auto-updated pins | | cloneit | A CLI tool to download specific GitHub directories or files | | foot-transparent | A patched version of the Foot terminal emulator that brings back fullscreen transparency[^1] | | fuzzel-git | Patched version of Fuzzel that tracks the latest git revision | | headscale-ui | A web frontend for the headscale Tailscale-compatible coordination server | | mastodon-bird-ui | Mastodon web UI, but strongly inspired by Twitter. | | zsh-stripped | ZSH with newinstall scripts removed, and patches to handle special characters such as `^` or `#` | ## Usage ### Binary Cache Regardless of your setup,you may want to add the [binary cache](https://app.cachix.org/cache/nyx) to your substituters to avoid building the provided packages on each pull. You may follow the example below to add the binary cache to your system. ```nix nix.settings = { builders-use-substitutes = true; substituters = [ # other substituters "https://nyx.cachix.org" ]; trusted-public-keys = [ # other trusted keys "nyx.cachix.org-1:xH6G0MO9PrpeGe7mHBtj1WbNzmnXr7jId2mCiq6hipE=" ]; }; ``` ### NixOS/Home-manager (flakes) It is as simple as adding a new entry to your inputs with the correct url. ```nix # flake.nix inputs = { # ... nyxexprs.url = "github:notashelf/nyxexprs"; # ... }; ``` After adding the input, you can consume the [exposed packages](#-packages) in your system configuration. An example `flake.nix` would be as follows: ```nix # flake.nix { inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; home-manager.url = "github:nix-community/home-manager"; # ↓ add nyxexprs as a flake input nyxexprs.url = "github:notashelf/nyxexprs"; }; outputs = inputs @ {self, nixpkgs, ...}: { # set up for NixOS nixosConfigurations.<yourHostName> = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { specialArgs = {inherit inputs;}; modules = [ ./configuration.nix # ... ]; }; # or for Home Manager homeConfigurations.<yourHostName> = inputs.home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration { extraSpecialArgs = {inherit inputs;}; pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; config.allowUnfree = true; }; modules = [ ./home.nix # ... ]; } }; } ``` Where you can then add the relevant package to your `environment.systemPackages` or `home.packages` ```nix {pkgs, inputs, ...}: { # in case of home-manager, this will be home.packages environment.systemPackages = [ inputs.nyxexprs.packages.${pkgs.system}.<packageName> # installs a package ]; } ``` ### Nix If you are using Nix on a non-NixOS distro, you may `nix run` to try out packages, or `nix profile install` to install them on your system profile. If using home-manager on non-NixOS, I recommend using `home.packages` instead. ```console nix profile install github:notashelf/nyxexprs#<package> ``` ### NixOS/Home-manager (no flakes) If you are not using flakes, the above instructions will not apply. You may obtain the source as a tarball to consume in your system configuration as follows: ```nix {pkgs, ...}: let nyxexprs = import (builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/notashelf/nyxexprs/archive/main.tar.gz"); in { # install packages # this can also be home.packages if you are using home-manager environment.systemPackages = [ nyxexprs.packages.${pkgs.hostPlatform.system}.<packageName> ]; } ``` ## 🔧 Contributing PRs are always welcome. ## 🫂 Credits The repository structure is mostly borrowed from [@fufexan](https://github.com/fufexan)'s [nix-gaming](https://github.com/fufexan/nix-gaming). [^1]: Foot has broken fullscreen transparency on 1.15, which looks **really** ugly with padding. The author is dead set on not fixing it, because it's broken on one wayland compositor that a total of 7 people use.