Kalle Jepsen a452a0b0e7 fixes enable option descriptions
mkEnableOption already adds the phrase "Whether to enable ..." to the
beginning of the option description, such that the string argument
should only be "thing to be enabled"
2023-10-21 19:15:36 +02:00

17 lines
647 B

{lib, ...}:
with lib; {
options.vim.lsp = {
trouble = {
enable = mkEnableOption "trouble diagnostics viewer";
mappings = {
toggle = mkMappingOption "Toggle trouble [trouble]" "<leader>xx";
workspaceDiagnostics = mkMappingOption "Workspace diagnostics [trouble]" "<leader>lwd";
documentDiagnostics = mkMappingOption "Document diagnostics [trouble]" "<leader>ld";
lspReferences = mkMappingOption "LSP References [trouble]" "<leader>lr";
quickfix = mkMappingOption "QuickFix [trouble]" "<leader>xq";
locList = mkMappingOption "LOCList [trouble]" "<leader>xl";