mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 03:01:54 +00:00

* modules: switch to gerg's neovim-wrapper * modules: use initViml instead of writing the file * treewide: make the entire generated config lua based * docs: remove mentions of configRC * plugins/treesitter: remove vim.cmd hack * treewide: move resolveDag to lib * modules/wrapper(rc): fix typo * treewide: migrate to pluginRC for correct DAG order The "new" DAG order is as follows: - (luaConfigPre) - globalsScript - basic - theme - pluginConfigs - extraPluginConfigs - mappings - (luaConfigPost) * plugins/theme: fix theme DAG place * plugins/theme: fix fixed theme DAG place * modules/wrapper(rc): add removed option module for configRC * docs: add dag-entries chapter, add release note entry * fix: formatting CI * languages/nix: add missing `local` * docs: fix page link * docs: add mention of breaking changes at the start of the release notes * plugins/neo-tree: convert to pluginRC * modules/wrapper(rc): add back entryAnywhere * modules/wrapper(rc): expose pluginRC * apply raf patch --------- Co-authored-by: NotAShelf <raf@notashelf.dev>
186 lines
5.4 KiB
186 lines
5.4 KiB
}: let
inherit (builtins) attrNames;
inherit (lib.modules) mkIf mkMerge;
inherit (lib.options) mkOption mkEnableOption;
inherit (lib.strings) optionalString;
inherit (lib.trivial) boolToString;
inherit (lib.lists) isList optionals;
inherit (lib.types) bool package str listOf either enum;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) mkGrammarOption;
inherit (lib.nvim.lua) expToLua;
inherit (lib.nvim.dag) entryAnywhere;
cfg = config.vim.languages.rust;
defaultFormat = "rustfmt";
formats = {
rustfmt = {
package = pkgs.rustfmt;
nullConfig = ''
command = "${cfg.format.package}/bin/rustfmt",
in {
options.vim.languages.rust = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Rust language support";
treesitter = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Rust treesitter" // {default = config.vim.languages.enableTreesitter;};
package = mkGrammarOption pkgs "rust";
crates = {
enable = mkEnableOption "crates-nvim, tools for managing dependencies";
codeActions = mkOption {
description = "Enable code actions through null-ls";
type = bool;
default = true;
lsp = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Rust LSP support (rust-analyzer with extra tools)" // {default = config.vim.languages.enableLSP;};
package = mkOption {
description = "rust-analyzer package, or the command to run as a list of strings";
example = ''[lib.getExe pkgs.jdt-language-server "-data" "~/.cache/jdtls/workspace"]'';
type = either package (listOf str);
default = pkgs.rust-analyzer;
opts = mkOption {
description = "Options to pass to rust analyzer";
type = str;
default = "";
format = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Rust formatting" // {default = config.vim.languages.enableFormat;};
type = mkOption {
description = "Rust formatter to use";
type = enum (attrNames formats);
default = defaultFormat;
package = mkOption {
description = "Rust formatter package";
type = package;
default = formats.${cfg.format.type}.package;
dap = {
enable = mkOption {
description = "Rust Debug Adapter support";
type = bool;
default = config.vim.languages.enableDAP;
package = mkOption {
description = "lldb pacakge";
type = package;
default = pkgs.lldb;
config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [
(mkIf cfg.crates.enable {
vim = {
startPlugins = ["crates-nvim"];
lsp.null-ls.enable = mkIf cfg.crates.codeActions true;
autocomplete.sources = {"crates" = "[Crates]";};
pluginRC.rust-crates = entryAnywhere ''
require('crates').setup {
null_ls = {
enabled = ${boolToString cfg.crates.codeActions},
name = "crates.nvim",
(mkIf cfg.treesitter.enable {
vim.treesitter.enable = true;
vim.treesitter.grammars = [cfg.treesitter.package];
(mkIf cfg.format.enable {
vim.lsp.null-ls.enable = true;
vim.lsp.null-ls.sources.rust-format = formats.${cfg.format.type}.nullConfig;
(mkIf (cfg.lsp.enable || cfg.dap.enable) {
vim = {
startPlugins = ["rustaceanvim"];
luaConfigRC.rustaceanvim = entryAnywhere ''
vim.g.rustaceanvim = {
${optionalString cfg.lsp.enable ''
-- LSP
tools = {
hover_actions = {
replace_builtin_hover = false
server = {
cmd = ${
if isList cfg.lsp.package
then expToLua cfg.lsp.package
else ''{"${cfg.lsp.package}/bin/rust-analyzer"}''
on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
default_on_attach(client, bufnr)
local opts = { noremap=true, silent=true, buffer = bufnr }
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rr", ":RustLsp runnables<CR>", opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rp", ":RustLsp parentModule<CR>", opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rm", ":RustLsp expandMacro<CR>", opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rc", ":RustLsp openCargo", opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rg", ":RustLsp crateGraph x11", opts)
${optionalString cfg.dap.enable ''
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rd", ":RustLsp debuggables<cr>", opts)
"n", "${config.vim.debugger.nvim-dap.mappings.continue}",
local dap = require("dap")
if dap.status() == "" then
vim.cmd "RustLsp debuggables"
${optionalString cfg.dap.enable ''
dap = {
adapter = {
type = "executable",
command = "${cfg.dap.package}/bin/lldb-vscode",
name = "rustacean_lldb",