mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 21:41:29 +00:00
455 lines
12 KiB
455 lines
12 KiB
with lib;
with builtins; let
cfg = config.vim.filetree.nvimTreeLua;
in {
options.vim.filetree.nvimTreeLua = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = "Enable nvim-tree-lua";
treeSide = mkOption {
default = "left";
description = "Side the tree will appear on left or right";
type = types.enum ["left" "right"];
treeWidth = mkOption {
default = 25;
description = "Width of the tree in charecters";
type = types.int;
hideFiles = mkOption {
default = [".git" "node_modules" ".cache"];
description = "Files to hide in the file view by default.";
type = with types; listOf str;
hideIgnoredGitFiles = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Hide files ignored by git";
type = types.bool;
openOnSetup = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Open when vim is started on a directory";
type = types.bool;
closeOnLastWindow = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Close when tree is last window open";
type = types.bool;
ignoreFileTypes = mkOption {
default = [];
description = "Ignore file types";
type = with types; listOf str;
followBufferFile = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Follow file that is in current buffer on tree";
type = types.bool;
indentMarkers = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Show indent markers";
type = types.bool;
hideDotFiles = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Hide dotfiles";
type = types.bool;
openTreeOnNewTab = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Opens the tree view when opening a new tab";
type = types.bool;
disableNetRW = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Disables netrw and replaces it with tree";
type = types.bool;
hijackNetRW = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Prevents netrw from automatically opening when opening directories";
type = types.bool;
trailingSlash = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Add a trailing slash to all folders";
type = types.bool;
groupEmptyFolders = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Compact empty folders trees into a single item";
type = types.bool;
lspDiagnostics = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Shows lsp diagnostics in the tree";
type = types.bool;
systemOpenCmd = mkOption {
default = "${pkgs.xdg-utils}/bin/xdg-open";
description = "The command used to open a file with the associated default program";
type = types.str;
updateCwd = mkOption {
# updateCwd has been deprecated in favor of syncRootWithCwd
# this option is kept for backwards compatibility
default = true;
description = "Updates the tree when changing nvim's directory (DirChanged event).";
type = types.bool;
ignore_ft_on_setup = mkOption {
default = [];
description = "Ignore file types on setup";
type = with types; listOf str;
hijackCursor = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Hijack the cursor in the tree to put it at the start of the filename";
type = types.bool;
hijackUnnamedBufferWhenOpening = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Open nvimtree in place of the unnamed buffer if it's empty.";
type = types.bool;
syncRootWithCwd = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Changes the tree root directory on `DirChanged` and refreshes the tree";
type = types.bool;
updateFocusedFile = mkOption {
default = {
enable = true;
update_cwd = true;
description = "Updates the tree when changing nvim's directory (DirChanged event).";
type = with types; attrsOf (either bool (attrsOf bool));
view = {
adaptiveSize = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Resize the tree when the window is resized";
type = types.bool;
side = mkOption {
default = "left";
description = "Side the tree will appear on left or right";
type = types.enum ["left" "right"];
width = mkOption {
default = 35;
description = "Width of the tree in charecters";
type = types.int;
hideRootFolder = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Hide the root folder";
type = types.bool;
git = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Git integration";
ignore = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Ignore files in git";
type = types.bool;
filesystemWatchers = {
enable = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Enable filesystem watchers";
type = types.bool;
actions = {
openFile = {
resizeWindow = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Resize the tree when opening a file";
type = types.bool;
quitOnOpen = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Quit the tree when opening a file";
type = types.bool;
renderer = {
higlightGit = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Highlight git related files";
type = types.bool;
highlightOpenedFiles = mkOption {
default = "none";
description = "Highlight opened files";
type = types.enum ["none" "icon" "name" "all"];
indentMarkers = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Show indent markers";
type = types.bool;
showHiddenFiles = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Show hidden files";
type = types.bool;
trailingSlash = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Add a trailing slash to all folders";
type = types.bool;
showParentFolder = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Show parent folder";
type = types.bool;
groupEmptyFolders = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Compact empty folders trees into a single item";
type = types.bool;
icons = {
show = {
file = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Show file icons";
type = types.bool;
folder = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Show folder icons";
type = types.bool;
folderArrow = mkOption {
default = true;
description = "Show folder arrow icons";
type = types.bool;
git = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Show git icons";
type = types.bool;
glyphs = {
default = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Default icon";
type = types.str;
symlink = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Symlink icon";
type = types.str;
folder = {
default = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Default folder icon";
type = types.str;
open = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Open folder icon";
type = types.str;
empty = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Empty folder icon";
type = types.str;
emptyOpen = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Empty open folder icon";
type = types.str;
symlink = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Symlink folder icon";
type = types.str;
symlinkOpen = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Symlink open folder icon";
type = types.str;
arrowOpen = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Open folder arrow icon";
type = types.str;
arrowClosed = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Closed folder arrow icon";
type = types.str;
git = {
unstaged = mkOption {
default = "✗";
description = "Unstaged git icon";
type = types.str;
staged = mkOption {
default = "✓";
description = "Staged git icon";
type = types.str;
unmerged = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Unmerged git icon";
type = types.str;
renamed = mkOption {
default = "➜";
description = "Renamed git icon";
type = types.str;
untracked = mkOption {
default = "★";
description = "Untracked git icon";
type = types.str;
deleted = mkOption {
default = "";
description = "Deleted git icon";
type = types.str;
ignored = mkOption {
default = "◌";
description = "Ignored git icon";
type = types.str;
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
vim.startPlugins = ["nvim-tree-lua"];
vim.nnoremap = {
"<C-n>" = ":NvimTreeToggle<CR>";
"<leader>tr" = ":NvimTreeRefresh<CR>";
"<leader>tg" = ":NvimTreeFindFile<CR>";
"<leader>tf" = ":NvimTreeFocus<CR>";
vim.luaConfigRC.nvimtreelua = nvim.dag.entryAnywhere ''
disable_netrw = ${boolToString cfg.disableNetRW},
hijack_netrw = ${boolToString cfg.hijackNetRW},
hijack_cursor = ${boolToString cfg.hijackCursor},
open_on_tab = ${boolToString cfg.openTreeOnNewTab},
-- FIXME: Open on startup has been deprecated
-- needs an alternative, see https://github.com/nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua/wiki/Open-At-Startup3
-- open_on_setup = ${boolToString cfg.openOnSetup},
-- open_on_setup_file = ${boolToString cfg.openOnSetup},
sync_root_with_cwd = ${boolToString cfg.syncRootWithCwd},
update_focused_file = {
enable = ${boolToString cfg.updateFocusedFile.enable},
update_cwd = ${boolToString cfg.updateFocusedFile.update_cwd},
view = {
width = ${toString cfg.view.width},
side = ${"'" + cfg.view.side + "'"},
adaptive_size = ${boolToString cfg.view.adaptiveSize},
hide_root_folder = ${boolToString cfg.view.hideRootFolder},
git = {
enable = ${boolToString cfg.git.enable},
ignore = ${boolToString cfg.git.ignore},
filesytem_watchers = {
enable = ${boolToString cfg.filesystemWatchers.enable},
actions = {
open_file = {
quit_on_open = ${boolToString cfg.actions.openFile.quitOnOpen},
resize_window = ${boolToString cfg.actions.openFile.resizeWindow},
renderer = {
highlight_git = ${boolToString cfg.renderer.higlightGit},
highlight_opened_files = ${"'" + cfg.renderer.highlightOpenedFiles + "'"},
indent_markers = {
enable = ${boolToString cfg.renderer.indentMarkers},
-- TODO: those two
add_trailing = ${boolToString cfg.renderer.trailingSlash},
group_empty = ${boolToString cfg.renderer.groupEmptyFolders},
system_open = {
cmd = ${"'" + cfg.systemOpenCmd + "'"},
diagnostics = {
enable = ${boolToString cfg.lspDiagnostics},
filters = {
dotfiles = ${boolToString cfg.hideDotFiles},
custom = {
${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (builtins.map (s: "\"" + s + "\",") cfg.hideFiles)}