# Release 0.8 {#sec-release-0.8} [NotAShelf](https://github.com/notashelf): [typst-preview.nvim]: https://github.com/chomosuke/typst-preview.nvim [render-markdown.nvim]: https://github.com/MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvim - Add [typst-preview.nvim] under `languages.typst.extensions.typst-preview-nvim`. - Add a search widget to the options page in the nvf manual. - Add [render-markdown.nvim] under `languages.markdown.extensions.render-markdown-nvim` - Implement [](#opt-vim.git.gitsigns.setupOpts) for user-specified setup table in gitsigns configuration. - [](#opt-vim.options.mouse) no longer compares values to an enum of available mouse modes. This means you can provide any string without the module system warning you that it is invalid. Do keep in mind that this value is no longer checked, so you will be responsible for ensuring its validity. - Deprecate `vim.enableEditorconfig` in favor of [](#opt-vim.globals.editorconfig). - Deprecate rnix-lsp as it has been abandoned and archived upstream. [amadaluzia](https://github.com/amadaluzia): [haskell-tools.nvim]: https://github.com/MrcJkb/haskell-tools.nvim - Add Haskell support under `vim.languages.haskell` using [haskell-tools.nvim]. [diniamo](https://github.com/diniamo): - Add Odin support under `vim.languages.odin`. - Disable the built-in format-on-save feature of zls. Use `vim.lsp.formatOnSave` instead. [horriblename](https://github.com/horriblename): [aerial.nvim](https://github.com/stevearc/aerial.nvim) [nvim-ufo](https://github.com/kevinhwang91/nvim-ufo) - Add [aerial.nvim] - Add [nvim-ufo] [LilleAila](https://github.com/LilleAila): - Remove `vim.notes.obsidian.setupOpts.dir`, which was set by default. Fixes issue with setting the workspace directory. - Add `vim.snippets.luasnip.setupOpts`, which was previously missing. - Add `"prettierd"` as a formatter option in `vim.languages.markdown.format.type`. - Add the following plugins from [mini.nvim](https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.nvim) - `mini.ai` - `mini.align` - `mini.animate` - `mini.base16` - `mini.basics` - `mini.bracketed` - `mini.bufremove` - `mini.clue` - `mini.colors` [kaktu5](https://github.com/kaktu5): - Add WGSL support under `vim.languages.wgsl`. [tomasguinzburg](https://github.com/tomasguinzburg): [solargraph]: https://github.com/castwide/solargraph - Add Ruby support under `vim.languages.ruby` using [solargraph].