{ config, lib, }: let inherit (lib.strings) hasPrefix optionalString; inherit (lib.attrsets) genAttrs listToAttrs mergeAttrsList; inherit (lib.options) mkOption mkEnableOption; inherit (lib.types) bool str; inherit (lib.nvim.types) hexColor mkPluginSetupOption; cfg = config.vim.theme; mkEnableOption' = name: mkEnableOption name // {default = true;}; numbers = ["0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F"]; base16Options = listToAttrs (map (n: { name = "base0${n}"; value = mkOption { description = "The base0${n} color to use"; type = hexColor; apply = v: if hasPrefix "#" v then v else "#${v}"; }; }) numbers); in { base16 = { setupOpts = mkPluginSetupOption "base16" base16Options; setup = ""; }; onedark = { setupOpts = mkPluginSetupOption "onedark" { style = mkOption { type = str; default = cfg.style; internal = true; }; }; setup = '' -- OneDark theme require('onedark').load() ''; styles = ["dark" "darker" "cool" "deep" "warm" "warmer"]; }; tokyonight = { setupOpts = mkPluginSetupOption "tokyonight" { transparent = mkOption { type = bool; default = cfg.transparent; internal = true; }; }; setup = '' vim.cmd[[colorscheme tokyonight-${cfg.style}]] ''; styles = ["night" "day" "storm" "moon"]; }; dracula = { setupOpts = mkPluginSetupOption "dracula" { transparent_bg = mkOption { type = bool; default = cfg.transparent; internal = true; }; }; setup = '' require('dracula').load(); ''; }; catppuccin = { setupOpts = mkPluginSetupOption "catppuccin" { flavour = mkOption { type = str; default = cfg.style; # internal = true; }; transparent_background = mkOption { type = bool; default = cfg.transparent; internal = true; }; term_colors = mkEnableOption' "term_colors"; integrations = { nvimtree = { enabled = mkEnableOption' "enabled"; transparent_panel = mkOption { type = bool; default = cfg.transparent; }; show_root = mkEnableOption' "show_root"; }; navic = { enabled = mkEnableOption' "enabled"; # lualine will set backgound to mantle custom_bg = mkOption { type = str; default = "NONE"; }; }; } // genAttrs [ "hop" "gitsigns" "telescope" "treesitter" "treesitter_context" "ts_rainbow" "fidget" "alpha" "leap" "markdown" "noice" "notify" "which_key" ] (name: mkEnableOption' name); }; setup = '' -- Catppuccin theme -- setup must be called before loading vim.cmd.colorscheme "catppuccin" ''; styles = ["mocha" "latte" "frappe" "macchiato"]; }; oxocarbon = { setupOpts = {}; setup = '' require('oxocarbon') vim.opt.background = "${cfg.style}" vim.cmd.colorscheme = "oxocarbon" ${optionalString cfg.transparent '' vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "Normal", { bg = "none" }) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NormalFloat", { bg = "none" }) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "LineNr", { bg = "none" }) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "SignColumn", { bg = "none" }) ${optionalString config.vim.filetree.nvimTree.enable '' vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NvimTreeNormal", { bg = "none" }) ''} ''} ''; styles = ["dark" "light"]; }; gruvbox = { setupOpts = mkPluginSetupOption "gruvbox" { transparent_mode = mkOption { type = bool; default = cfg.transparent; internal = true; }; italic = { operators = mkEnableOption "operators"; } // genAttrs [ "strings" "emphasis" "comments" "folds" ] (name: mkEnableOption' name); contrast = mkOption { type = str; default = ""; }; # TODO: fix these # palette_overrides = mkLuaInline "{}"; # overrides = mkLuaInline "{}"; } // mergeAttrsList [ (genAttrs [ "terminal_colors" "undercurls" "underline" "bold" "strikethrough" "inverse" ] (name: mkEnableOption' name)) (genAttrs [ "invert_selection" "invert_signs" "invert_tabline" "invert_intend_guides" "dim_inactive" ] (name: mkEnableOption name)) ]; setup = '' -- Gruvbox theme vim.o.background = "${cfg.style}" vim.cmd("colorscheme gruvbox") ''; styles = ["dark" "light"]; }; rose-pine = { setupOpts = mkPluginSetupOption "rose-pine" { dark_variant = mkOption { type = str; default = cfg.style; internal = true; }; dim_inactive_windows = mkEnableOption "dim_inactive_windows"; extend_background_behind_borders = mkEnableOption' "extend_background_behind_borders"; enable = { terminal = mkEnableOption' "terminal"; migrations = mkEnableOption' "migrations"; }; styles = { bold = mkEnableOption "bold"; # I would like to add more options for this italic = mkEnableOption "italic"; transparency = mkOption { type = bool; default = cfg.transparent; internal = true; }; }; }; setup = '' vim.cmd("colorscheme rose-pine") ''; styles = ["main" "moon" "dawn"]; }; }