.Dd January 1, 1980
.Dt NVF 1
.Os nvf
.\" disable hyphenation
.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
.ad l
.\" enable line breaks after slashes
.cflags 4 /

.Nm nvf
.Nd A modular, extensible, and distro-agnostic Neovim configuration framework for Nix/NixOS.

.Nm nvf
is a highly modular, configurable, extensible, and easy-to-use Neovim configuration in Nix.
Designed for flexibility and ease of use, nvf allows you to easily configure your fully featured
Neovim instance with a few lines of Nix.

The following commands are bundled with nvf to allow easier debugging of your configuration.

.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Nm nvf-print-config
Outputs the full configuration of the current `nvf` setup. This command is useful for debugging
or inspecting the applied configuration.
.It Nm nvf-print-config-path
Prints the file path to the configuration file currently in use. This command is helpful for locating
the source configuration file for troubleshooting or easily sharing it via online paste utilities.

Please report any bugs on the project issue tracker:
.Lk https://github.com/notashelf/nvf/issues

.Fn nvf 5

.Fn nvf contributors
.RS 4
Primary contributors and maintainers of the project.

Copyright (c) 2023–2025 nvf contributors.