{lib}: let inherit (lib.options) showOption showFiles getFiles mergeOneOption mergeEqualOption; inherit (lib.strings) isString isStringLike; inherit (lib.types) anything attrsOf listOf mkOptionType; inherit (lib.nvim.types) anythingConcatLists; inherit (builtins) typeOf isAttrs any head concatLists stringLength match; in { # HACK: Does this break anything in our case? # A modified version of the nixpkgs anything type that concatenates lists # This isn't the default because the order in which the lists are concatenated depends on the order in which the modules are imported, # which makes it non-deterministic anythingConcatLists = anything // { merge = loc: defs: let getType = value: if isAttrs value && isStringLike value then "stringCoercibleSet" else typeOf value; # Throw an error if not all defs have the same type checkType = getType (head defs).value; commonType = if any (def: getType def.value != checkType) defs then throw "The option `${showOption loc}' has conflicting option types in ${showFiles (getFiles defs)}" else checkType; mergeFunctions = { # Recursively merge attribute sets set = (attrsOf anythingConcatLists).merge; # Overridden behavior for lists, that concatenates lists list = _: defs: concatLists (map (e: e.value) defs); # This means it's a package, only accept a single definition stringCoercibleSet = mergeOneOption; # This works by passing the argument to the functions, # and merging their returns values instead lambda = loc: defs: arg: anythingConcatLists.merge (loc ++ [""]) (map (def: { inherit (def) file; value = def.value arg; }) defs); }; in # Merge the defs with the correct function from above, if available # otherwise only allow equal values (mergeFunctions.${commonType} or mergeEqualOption) loc defs; }; mergelessListOf = elemType: listOf elemType // {merge = mergeEqualOption;}; char = mkOptionType { name = "char"; description = "character"; descriptionClass = "noun"; check = value: stringLength value < 2; merge = mergeEqualOption; }; hexColor = mkOptionType { name = "hex-color"; descriptionClass = "noun"; description = "RGB color in hex format"; check = v: isString v && (match "#?[0-9a-fA-F]{6}" v) != null; }; }