mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 21:41:29 +00:00
modules/wrapper: move RC features to wrapper/rc
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 539 additions and 479 deletions
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
# using the configuration passed in `neovim` and `plugins` modules.
# using the configuration passed in `neovim` and `plugins` modules.
wrapper = map (p: ./wrapper + "/${p}") [
wrapper = map (p: ./wrapper + "/${p}") [
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
imports = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
}: let
inherit (lib.modules) mkIf;
cfg = config.vim;
in {
config = {
vim.maps = {
normal =
mkIf cfg.disableArrows {
"<up>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<down>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<left>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<right>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
// mkIf cfg.mapLeaderSpace {
"<space>" = {
action = "<nop>";
insert = mkIf cfg.disableArrows {
"<up>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<down>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<left>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<right>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
@ -1,59 +1,6 @@
imports = [
}: let
inherit (lib.modules) mkIf;
cfg = config.vim;
in {
config = {
vim.maps = {
normal =
mkIf cfg.disableArrows {
"<up>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<down>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<left>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<right>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
// mkIf cfg.mapLeaderSpace {
"<space>" = {
action = "<nop>";
insert = mkIf cfg.disableArrows {
"<up>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<down>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<left>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
"<right>" = {
action = "<nop>";
noremap = false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -3,418 +3,11 @@
}: let
}: let
inherit (builtins) map mapAttrs toJSON filter;
inherit (lib.attrsets) attrValues;
inherit (lib.options) mkOption mkEnableOption literalMD literalExpression;
inherit (lib.attrsets) filterAttrs getAttrs attrValues attrNames;
inherit (lib.strings) optionalString isString concatStringsSep;
inherit (lib.misc) mapAttrsFlatten;
inherit (lib.trivial) showWarnings;
inherit (lib.types) bool str oneOf attrsOf nullOr attrs submodule lines listOf either path;
inherit (lib.generators) mkLuaInline;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) dagOf;
inherit (lib.nvim.dag) entryAnywhere entryAfter topoSort mkLuarcSection mkVimrcSection;
inherit (lib.nvim.lua) toLuaObject wrapLuaConfig listToLuaTable;
inherit (lib.nvim.vim) valToVim;
inherit (lib.nvim.config) mkBool;
cfg = config.vim;
cfg = config.vim;
# Most of the keybindings code is highly inspired by pta2002/nixvim.
# Thank you!
mapConfigOptions = {
silent =
mkBool false
"Whether this mapping should be silent. Equivalent to adding <silent> to a map.";
nowait =
mkBool false
"Whether to wait for extra input on ambiguous mappings. Equivalent to adding <nowait> to a map.";
script =
mkBool false
"Equivalent to adding <script> to a map.";
expr =
mkBool false
"Means that the action is actually an expression. Equivalent to adding <expr> to a map.";
unique =
mkBool false
"Whether to fail if the map is already defined. Equivalent to adding <unique> to a map.";
noremap =
mkBool true
"Whether to use the 'noremap' variant of the command, ignoring any custom mappings on the defined action. It is highly advised to keep this on, which is the default.";
desc = mkOption {
type = nullOr str;
default = null;
description = "A description of this keybind, to be shown in which-key, if you have it enabled.";
genMaps = mode: maps: let
Take a user-defined action (string or attrs) and return the following attribute set:
action = (string) the actual action to map to this key
config = (attrs) the configuration options for this mapping (noremap, silent...)
normalizeAction = action: let
# Extract the values of the config options that have been explicitly set by the user
config =
filterAttrs (_: v: v != null)
(getAttrs (attrNames mapConfigOptions) action);
in {
config =
if config == {}
then {"__empty" = null;}
else config;
action =
if action.lua
then mkLuaInline action.action
else action.action;
attrValues (mapAttrs
(key: action: let
normalizedAction = normalizeAction action;
in {
inherit (normalizedAction) action config;
inherit key;
inherit mode;
mapOption = submodule {
options =
// {
action = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "The action to execute.";
lua = mkOption {
type = bool;
description = ''
If true, `action` is considered to be lua code.
Thus, it will not be wrapped in `""`.
default = false;
mapOptions = mode:
mkOption {
description = "Mappings for ${mode} mode";
type = attrsOf mapOption;
default = {};
in {
in {
options = {
config = {
vim = {
vim.startPlugins = map (x: x.package) (attrValues cfg.extraPlugins);
enableLuaLoader = mkEnableOption ''
the experimental Lua module loader to speed up the start up process
additionalRuntimePaths = mkOption {
type = listOf (either path str);
default = [];
example = literalExpression ''
"~/.config/nvim-extra" # absolute path, as a string - impure
./nvim # relative path, as a path - pure
description = ''
Additional runtime paths that will be appended to the
active runtimepath of the Neovim. This can be used to
add additional lookup paths for configs, plugins, spell
languages and other things you would generally place in
your `$HOME/.config/nvim`.
This is meant as a declarative alternative to throwing
files into `~/.config/nvim` and having the Neovim
wrapper pick them up. For more details on
`vim.o.runtimepath`, and what paths to use; please see
[the official documentation](https://neovim.io/doc/user/options.html#'runtimepath')
globals = mkOption {
default = {};
type = attrs;
description = "Set containing global variable values";
maps = mkOption {
type = submodule {
options = {
normal = mapOptions "normal";
insert = mapOptions "insert";
select = mapOptions "select";
visual = mapOptions "visual and select";
terminal = mapOptions "terminal";
normalVisualOp = mapOptions "normal, visual, select and operator-pending (same as plain 'map')";
visualOnly = mapOptions "visual only";
operator = mapOptions "operator-pending";
insertCommand = mapOptions "insert and command-line";
lang = mapOptions "insert, command-line and lang-arg";
command = mapOptions "command-line";
default = {};
description = ''
Custom keybindings for any mode.
For plain maps (e.g. just 'map' or 'remap') use `maps.normalVisualOp`.
example = ''
maps = {
normal."<leader>m" = {
silent = true;
action = "<cmd>make<CR>";
}; # Same as nnoremap <leader>m <silent> <cmd>make<CR>
configRC = mkOption {
type = oneOf [(dagOf lines) str];
default = {};
description = ''
Contents of vimrc, either as a string or a DAG.
If this option is passed as a DAG, it will be resolved
according to the DAG resolution rules (e.g. entryBefore
or entryAfter) as per the neovim-flake library.
example = literalMD ''
" Set the tab size to 4 spaces
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
luaConfigPre = mkOption {
type = str;
default = ''
${optionalString (cfg.additionalRuntimePaths != []) ''
-- The following list is generated from `vim.additionalRuntimePaths`
-- and is used to append additional runtime paths to the
-- `runtimepath` option.
local additionalRuntimePaths = ${listToLuaTable cfg.additionalRuntimePaths};
for _, path in ipairs(additionalRuntimePaths) do
${optionalString cfg.enableLuaLoader "vim.loader.enable()"}
defaultText = literalMD ''
By default, this option will **append** paths in
to the `runtimepath` and enable the experimental Lua module loader
if [vim.enableLuaLoader](#opt-vim.enableLuaLoader) is set to true.
example = literalExpression ''"$${builtins.readFile ./my-lua-config-pre.lua}"'';
description = ''
Verbatim lua code that will be inserted **before**
the result of `luaConfigRc` DAG has been resolved.
This option **does not** take a DAG set, but a string
instead. Useful when you'd like to insert contents
of lua configs after the DAG result.
::: {.warning}
You do not want to override this option with mkForce
It is used internally to set certain options as early
as possible and should be avoided unless you know what
you're doing. Passing a string to this option will
merge it with the default contents.
luaConfigRC = mkOption {
type = oneOf [(dagOf lines) str];
default = {};
description = ''
Lua configuration, either as a string or a DAG.
If this option is passed as a DAG, it will be resolved
according to the DAG resolution rules (e.g. entryBefore
or entryAfter) as per the neovim-flake library.
example = literalMD ''
-- Set the tab size to 4 spaces
vim.opt.tabstop = 4
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4
vim.opt.expandtab = true
luaConfigPost = mkOption {
type = str;
default = "";
example = literalExpression ''"$${builtins.readFile ./my-lua-config-post.lua}"'';
description = ''
Verbatim lua code that will be inserted **after**
the result of the `luaConfigRc` DAG has been resolved
This option **does not** take a DAG set, but a string
instead. Useful when you'd like to insert contents
of lua configs after the DAG result.
builtConfigRC = mkOption {
internal = true;
type = lines;
description = "The built config for neovim after resolving the DAG";
config = let
filterNonNull = mappings: filterAttrs (_name: value: value != null) mappings;
globalsScript =
mapAttrsFlatten (name: value: "let g:${name}=${valToVim value}")
(filterNonNull cfg.globals);
toLuaBindings = mode: maps:
map (value: ''
vim.keymap.set(${toLuaObject mode}, ${toLuaObject value.key}, ${toLuaObject value.action}, ${toLuaObject value.config})
'') (genMaps mode maps);
# I'm not sure if every one of these will work.
allmap = toLuaBindings "" config.vim.maps.normalVisualOp;
nmap = toLuaBindings "n" config.vim.maps.normal;
vmap = toLuaBindings "v" config.vim.maps.visual;
xmap = toLuaBindings "x" config.vim.maps.visualOnly;
smap = toLuaBindings "s" config.vim.maps.select;
imap = toLuaBindings "i" config.vim.maps.insert;
cmap = toLuaBindings "c" config.vim.maps.command;
tmap = toLuaBindings "t" config.vim.maps.terminal;
lmap = toLuaBindings "l" config.vim.maps.lang;
omap = toLuaBindings "o" config.vim.maps.operator;
icmap = toLuaBindings "ic" config.vim.maps.insertCommand;
resolveDag = {
}: let
# When the value is a string, default it to dag.entryAnywhere
finalDag = mapAttrs (_: value:
if isString value
then entryAnywhere value
else value)
sortedDag = topoSort finalDag;
result =
if sortedDag ? result
then mapResult sortedDag.result
else abort ("Dependency cycle in ${name}: " + toJSON sortedDag);
in {
vim = {
startPlugins = map (x: x.package) (attrValues cfg.extraPlugins);
configRC = {
globalsScript = entryAnywhere (concatStringsSep "\n" globalsScript);
# wrap the lua config in a lua block
# using the wrapLuaConfic function from the lib
luaScript = let
mapResult = result: (wrapLuaConfig {
luaBefore = "${cfg.luaConfigPre}";
luaConfig = concatStringsSep "\n" (map mkLuarcSection result);
luaAfter = "${cfg.luaConfigPost}";
luaConfig = resolveDag {
name = "lua config script";
dag = cfg.luaConfigRC;
inherit mapResult;
entryAfter ["globalsScript"] luaConfig;
extraPluginConfigs = let
mapResult = result: (wrapLuaConfig {
luaConfig = concatStringsSep "\n" (map mkLuarcSection result);
extraPluginsDag = mapAttrs (_: {
entryAfter after setup)
pluginConfig = resolveDag {
name = "extra plugins config";
dag = extraPluginsDag;
inherit mapResult;
entryAfter ["luaScript"] pluginConfig;
# This is probably not the right way to set the config. I'm not sure how it should look like.
mappings = let
maps = [
mapConfig = wrapLuaConfig {luaConfig = concatStringsSep "\n" (map (v: concatStringsSep "\n" v) maps);};
entryAfter ["globalsScript"] mapConfig;
builtConfigRC = let
# Catch assertions and warnings
# and throw for each failed assertion. If no assertions are found, show warnings.
failedAssertions = map (x: x.message) (filter (x: !x.assertion) config.assertions);
baseSystemAssertWarn =
if failedAssertions != []
then throw "\nFailed assertions:\n${concatStringsSep "\n" (map (x: "- ${x}") failedAssertions)}"
else showWarnings config.warnings;
mapResult = result: (concatStringsSep "\n" (map mkVimrcSection result));
vimConfig = resolveDag {
name = "vim config script";
dag = cfg.configRC;
inherit mapResult;
baseSystemAssertWarn vimConfig;
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
imports = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
}: let
inherit (builtins) map mapAttrs toJSON filter;
inherit (lib.options) mkOption mkEnableOption literalMD literalExpression;
inherit (lib.attrsets) filterAttrs getAttrs attrValues attrNames;
inherit (lib.strings) optionalString isString concatStringsSep;
inherit (lib.misc) mapAttrsFlatten;
inherit (lib.trivial) showWarnings;
inherit (lib.types) bool str oneOf attrsOf nullOr attrs submodule lines listOf either path;
inherit (lib.generators) mkLuaInline;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) dagOf;
inherit (lib.nvim.dag) entryAnywhere entryAfter topoSort mkLuarcSection mkVimrcSection;
inherit (lib.nvim.lua) toLuaObject wrapLuaConfig listToLuaTable;
inherit (lib.nvim.vim) valToVim;
inherit (lib.nvim.config) mkBool;
cfg = config.vim;
# Most of the keybindings code is highly inspired by pta2002/nixvim.
# Thank you!
mapConfigOptions = {
silent =
mkBool false
"Whether this mapping should be silent. Equivalent to adding <silent> to a map.";
nowait =
mkBool false
"Whether to wait for extra input on ambiguous mappings. Equivalent to adding <nowait> to a map.";
script =
mkBool false
"Equivalent to adding <script> to a map.";
expr =
mkBool false
"Means that the action is actually an expression. Equivalent to adding <expr> to a map.";
unique =
mkBool false
"Whether to fail if the map is already defined. Equivalent to adding <unique> to a map.";
noremap =
mkBool true
"Whether to use the 'noremap' variant of the command, ignoring any custom mappings on the defined action. It is highly advised to keep this on, which is the default.";
desc = mkOption {
type = nullOr str;
default = null;
description = "A description of this keybind, to be shown in which-key, if you have it enabled.";
genMaps = mode: maps: let
Take a user-defined action (string or attrs) and return the following attribute set:
action = (string) the actual action to map to this key
config = (attrs) the configuration options for this mapping (noremap, silent...)
normalizeAction = action: let
# Extract the values of the config options that have been explicitly set by the user
config =
filterAttrs (_: v: v != null)
(getAttrs (attrNames mapConfigOptions) action);
in {
config =
if config == {}
then {"__empty" = null;}
else config;
action =
if action.lua
then mkLuaInline action.action
else action.action;
attrValues (mapAttrs
(key: action: let
normalizedAction = normalizeAction action;
in {
inherit (normalizedAction) action config;
inherit key;
inherit mode;
in {
config = let
filterNonNull = mappings: filterAttrs (_name: value: value != null) mappings;
globalsScript =
mapAttrsFlatten (name: value: "let g:${name}=${valToVim value}")
(filterNonNull cfg.globals);
toLuaBindings = mode: maps:
map (value: ''
vim.keymap.set(${toLuaObject mode}, ${toLuaObject value.key}, ${toLuaObject value.action}, ${toLuaObject value.config})
'') (genMaps mode maps);
# I'm not sure if every one of these will work.
allmap = toLuaBindings "" config.vim.maps.normalVisualOp;
nmap = toLuaBindings "n" config.vim.maps.normal;
vmap = toLuaBindings "v" config.vim.maps.visual;
xmap = toLuaBindings "x" config.vim.maps.visualOnly;
smap = toLuaBindings "s" config.vim.maps.select;
imap = toLuaBindings "i" config.vim.maps.insert;
cmap = toLuaBindings "c" config.vim.maps.command;
tmap = toLuaBindings "t" config.vim.maps.terminal;
lmap = toLuaBindings "l" config.vim.maps.lang;
omap = toLuaBindings "o" config.vim.maps.operator;
icmap = toLuaBindings "ic" config.vim.maps.insertCommand;
resolveDag = {
}: let
# When the value is a string, default it to dag.entryAnywhere
finalDag = mapAttrs (_: value:
if isString value
then entryAnywhere value
else value)
sortedDag = topoSort finalDag;
result =
if sortedDag ? result
then mapResult sortedDag.result
else abort ("Dependency cycle in ${name}: " + toJSON sortedDag);
in {
vim = {
configRC = {
globalsScript = entryAnywhere (concatStringsSep "\n" globalsScript);
# wrap the lua config in a lua block
# using the wrapLuaConfic function from the lib
luaScript = let
mapResult = result: (wrapLuaConfig {
luaBefore = "${cfg.luaConfigPre}";
luaConfig = concatStringsSep "\n" (map mkLuarcSection result);
luaAfter = "${cfg.luaConfigPost}";
luaConfig = resolveDag {
name = "lua config script";
dag = cfg.luaConfigRC;
inherit mapResult;
entryAfter ["globalsScript"] luaConfig;
extraPluginConfigs = let
mapResult = result: (wrapLuaConfig {
luaConfig = concatStringsSep "\n" (map mkLuarcSection result);
extraPluginsDag = mapAttrs (_: {
entryAfter after setup)
pluginConfig = resolveDag {
name = "extra plugins config";
dag = extraPluginsDag;
inherit mapResult;
entryAfter ["luaScript"] pluginConfig;
# This is probably not the right way to set the config. I'm not sure how it should look like.
mappings = let
maps = [
mapConfig = wrapLuaConfig {luaConfig = concatStringsSep "\n" (map (v: concatStringsSep "\n" v) maps);};
entryAfter ["globalsScript"] mapConfig;
builtConfigRC = let
# Catch assertions and warnings
# and throw for each failed assertion. If no assertions are found, show warnings.
failedAssertions = map (x: x.message) (filter (x: !x.assertion) config.assertions);
baseSystemAssertWarn =
if failedAssertions != []
then throw "\nFailed assertions:\n${concatStringsSep "\n" (map (x: "- ${x}") failedAssertions)}"
else showWarnings config.warnings;
mapResult = result: (concatStringsSep "\n" (map mkVimrcSection result));
vimConfig = resolveDag {
name = "vim config script";
dag = cfg.configRC;
inherit mapResult;
baseSystemAssertWarn vimConfig;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
imports = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
}: let
inherit (lib.options) mkOption mkEnableOption literalMD literalExpression;
inherit (lib.strings) optionalString;
inherit (lib.types) bool str oneOf attrsOf nullOr attrs submodule lines listOf either path;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) dagOf;
inherit (lib.nvim.lua) listToLuaTable;
inherit (lib.nvim.config) mkBool;
# Most of the keybindings code is highly inspired by pta2002/nixvim.
# Thank you!
mapConfigOptions = {
silent =
mkBool false
"Whether this mapping should be silent. Equivalent to adding <silent> to a map.";
nowait =
mkBool false
"Whether to wait for extra input on ambiguous mappings. Equivalent to adding <nowait> to a map.";
script =
mkBool false
"Equivalent to adding <script> to a map.";
expr =
mkBool false
"Means that the action is actually an expression. Equivalent to adding <expr> to a map.";
unique =
mkBool false
"Whether to fail if the map is already defined. Equivalent to adding <unique> to a map.";
noremap =
mkBool true
"Whether to use the 'noremap' variant of the command, ignoring any custom mappings on the defined action. It is highly advised to keep this on, which is the default.";
desc = mkOption {
type = nullOr str;
default = null;
description = "A description of this keybind, to be shown in which-key, if you have it enabled.";
mapOption = submodule {
options =
// {
action = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "The action to execute.";
lua = mkOption {
type = bool;
description = ''
If true, `action` is considered to be lua code.
Thus, it will not be wrapped in `""`.
default = false;
mapOptions = mode:
mkOption {
description = "Mappings for ${mode} mode";
type = attrsOf mapOption;
default = {};
cfg = config.vim;
in {
options.vim = {
enableLuaLoader = mkEnableOption ''
the experimental Lua module loader to speed up the start up process
additionalRuntimePaths = mkOption {
type = listOf (either path str);
default = [];
example = literalExpression ''
"~/.config/nvim-extra" # absolute path, as a string - impure
./nvim # relative path, as a path - pure
description = ''
Additional runtime paths that will be appended to the
active runtimepath of the Neovim. This can be used to
add additional lookup paths for configs, plugins, spell
languages and other things you would generally place in
your `$HOME/.config/nvim`.
This is meant as a declarative alternative to throwing
files into `~/.config/nvim` and having the Neovim
wrapper pick them up. For more details on
`vim.o.runtimepath`, and what paths to use; please see
[the official documentation](https://neovim.io/doc/user/options.html#'runtimepath')
globals = mkOption {
default = {};
type = attrs;
description = "Set containing global variable values";
maps = mkOption {
type = submodule {
options = {
normal = mapOptions "normal";
insert = mapOptions "insert";
select = mapOptions "select";
visual = mapOptions "visual and select";
terminal = mapOptions "terminal";
normalVisualOp = mapOptions "normal, visual, select and operator-pending (same as plain 'map')";
visualOnly = mapOptions "visual only";
operator = mapOptions "operator-pending";
insertCommand = mapOptions "insert and command-line";
lang = mapOptions "insert, command-line and lang-arg";
command = mapOptions "command-line";
default = {};
description = ''
Custom keybindings for any mode.
For plain maps (e.g. just 'map' or 'remap') use `maps.normalVisualOp`.
example = ''
maps = {
normal."<leader>m" = {
silent = true;
action = "<cmd>make<CR>";
}; # Same as nnoremap <leader>m <silent> <cmd>make<CR>
configRC = mkOption {
type = oneOf [(dagOf lines) str];
default = {};
description = ''
Contents of vimrc, either as a string or a DAG.
If this option is passed as a DAG, it will be resolved
according to the DAG resolution rules (e.g. entryBefore
or entryAfter) as per the neovim-flake library.
example = literalMD ''
" Set the tab size to 4 spaces
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
luaConfigPre = mkOption {
type = str;
default = ''
${optionalString (cfg.additionalRuntimePaths != []) ''
-- The following list is generated from `vim.additionalRuntimePaths`
-- and is used to append additional runtime paths to the
-- `runtimepath` option.
local additionalRuntimePaths = ${listToLuaTable cfg.additionalRuntimePaths};
for _, path in ipairs(additionalRuntimePaths) do
${optionalString cfg.enableLuaLoader "vim.loader.enable()"}
defaultText = literalMD ''
By default, this option will **append** paths in
to the `runtimepath` and enable the experimental Lua module loader
if [vim.enableLuaLoader](#opt-vim.enableLuaLoader) is set to true.
example = literalExpression ''"$${builtins.readFile ./my-lua-config-pre.lua}"'';
description = ''
Verbatim lua code that will be inserted **before**
the result of `luaConfigRc` DAG has been resolved.
This option **does not** take a DAG set, but a string
instead. Useful when you'd like to insert contents
of lua configs after the DAG result.
::: {.warning}
You do not want to override this option with mkForce
It is used internally to set certain options as early
as possible and should be avoided unless you know what
you're doing. Passing a string to this option will
merge it with the default contents.
luaConfigRC = mkOption {
type = oneOf [(dagOf lines) str];
default = {};
description = ''
Lua configuration, either as a string or a DAG.
If this option is passed as a DAG, it will be resolved
according to the DAG resolution rules (e.g. entryBefore
or entryAfter) as per the neovim-flake library.
example = literalMD ''
-- Set the tab size to 4 spaces
vim.opt.tabstop = 4
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4
vim.opt.expandtab = true
luaConfigPost = mkOption {
type = str;
default = "";
example = literalExpression ''"$${builtins.readFile ./my-lua-config-post.lua}"'';
description = ''
Verbatim lua code that will be inserted **after**
the result of the `luaConfigRc` DAG has been resolved
This option **does not** take a DAG set, but a string
instead. Useful when you'd like to insert contents
of lua configs after the DAG result.
builtConfigRC = mkOption {
internal = true;
type = lines;
description = "The built config for neovim after resolving the DAG";
Add table
Reference in a new issue