From c0b8819be8a57fe8424131d274c8a527870865d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NotAShelf
Plugin Package.
Type: -null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”
+null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neo-tree-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”Declared by:
+Whether to enable filetree via neo-tree.nvim.
+ +Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Option table to pass into the setup function of neo-tree
You can pass in any additional options even if they’re +not listed in the docs
+ +Type: +attribute set of anything
+ +Default:
+{ }
Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to enable cursor hijacking.
If enabled neotree will keep the cursor on the first letter of the filename when moving in the tree +.
+ +Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to enable diagnostics.
+ +Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to enable git status.
+ +Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to enable markers for files with unsaved changes…
+ +Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to enable tracking of opened files.
Required for
Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to enable Refresh the tree when a file is written.
Only used if use_libuv_file_watcher
is false.
Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to add a blank line at the top of the tree
+ +Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to automatically clean up broken neo-tree buffers +saved in sessions
+ +Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+You can choose a specific source.
here which indicates the last used source
Type: +string
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to enable async git status.
This will make the git status check async and will not block the UI. +.
+ +Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to hide the root node of the tree
+ +Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Log level for the plugin.
+ +Type: +one of “trace”, “debug”, “info”, “warn”, “error”, “fatal”
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Must be either a boolean or a path to your log file.
Use :NeoTreeLogs to show the file
+ +Type: +boolean or string
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+A list of filetypes that should not be replaced when opening a file
+ +Type: +list of string
+ +Default:
+ "terminal"
+ "Trouble"
+ "qf"
+ "edgy"
+Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to open files in the last window
If disabled, neo-tree will open files in top left window
+ +Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
+Whether to retain the indent of the hidden root node
IF the root node is hidden, keep the indentation anyhow. +This is needed if you use expanders because they render in the indent.
+ +Type: +boolean
+ +Default:
Declared by:
+ |
@@ -18557,7 +19028,7 @@ the wrapper during the build process.To avoid overriding packages and dep
are recommended to use this option or vim.extraPlugins
Type: -list of (null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”)
+list of (null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neo-tree-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”)Default:
[ ]
-list of (null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”)
+list of (null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neo-tree-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”)
diff --git a/release-notes.html b/release-notes.html
index d621d442..9d7e8d4d 100644
--- a/release-notes.html
+++ b/release-notes.html
@@ -146,19 +146,29 @@ will enable the typst-lsp
language server, and the
from anything
to a submodule
for better type checking.Fix null vim.lsp.mappings
generating an error and not being filtered out.
Add basic transparency support for oxocarbon
theme by setting the highlight
group for Normal
, NormalFloat
, LineNr
, SignColumn
and optionally
to none
Fix vim.ui.smartcolumn.setupOpts.custom_colorcolumn
to none
using the wrong type int
instead of the expected type string
Fix broken treesitter-context keybinds in visual mode
Deprecate use of __empty
to define empty tables in lua. Empty attrset are no
-longer filtered and thus should be used instead.
Add dap-go for better dap configurations
Make noice.nvim customizable
Add ocaml-lsp support.
Fix Emac typo
Move the theme
dag entry to before luaScript
Add rustfmt as the default formatter for Rust.
Enabled the terminal integration of catppuccin for theming Neovim’s built-in terminal (this also affects toggleterm).
Migrate bufferline to setupOpts for more customizability
Use clangd
as the default language server for C languages
Expose lib.nvim.types.pluginType
, which for example allows the user to create abstractions for adding plugins
Migrate indent-blankline to setupOpts for more customizability. While the plugin’s options can now be found under indentBlankline.setupOpts
, the previous iteration of the module also included out of place/broken options, which have been removed for the time being. These are:
- this was already unused
- this had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it yourself by adding vim.opt.listchars:append({ space = '<char>' })
to your lua configuration
- this also had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it yourself by adding vim.opt.listchars:append({ eol = '<char>' })
to your lua configuration
Add deno fmt
as the default Markdown formatter. This will be enabled
+longer filtered and thus should be used instead.
Add dap-go for better dap configurations
Make noice.nvim customizable
Add ocaml-lsp support.
Fix Emac typo
Move the theme
dag entry to before luaScript
Add rustfmt as the default formatter for Rust.
Enabled the terminal integration of catppuccin for theming Neovim’s built-in
+terminal (this also affects toggleterm).
Migrate bufferline to setupOpts for more customizability
Use clangd
as the default language server for C languages
Expose lib.nvim.types.pluginType
, which for example allows the user to
+create abstractions for adding plugins
Migrate indent-blankline to setupOpts for more customizability. While the
+plugin’s options can now be found under indentBlankline.setupOpts
, the
+previous iteration of the module also included out of place/broken options,
+which have been removed for the time being. These are:
- this was already unused
- this had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it
+yourself by adding vim.opt.listchars:append({ space = '<char>' })
to your
+lua configuration
- this also had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it
+yourself by adding vim.opt.listchars:append({ eol = '<char>' })
to your
+lua configuration
Add deno fmt
as the default Markdown formatter. This will be enabled
automatically if you have autoformatting enabled, but can be disabled manually
if you choose to.
Add vim.extraLuaFiles
for optionally sourcing additional lua files in your
Refactor programs.languages.elixir
to use lspconfig and none-ls for LSP and
formatter setups respectively. Diagnostics support is considered, and may be
added once the credo linter has been added
to nixpkgs. A pull request is currently open.
Remove vim-tidal and friends.
Clean up Lualine module to reduce theme dependency on Catppuccin, and fixed
-blending issues in component separators.
-extension of the TS language module, under
+blending issues in component separators.Add [ts-ereror-translator.nvim] extension of the TS language module, under
to aid with Typescript
Add [neo-tree.nvim] as an alternative file-tree plugin. It will be available
+under vim.filetree.neo-tree
, similar to nvimtree.