mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 08:01:53 +00:00
Merge branch 'main' into v0.7
This commit is contained in:
44 changed files with 702 additions and 649 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
name: "Build and deploy documentation"
@ -7,6 +8,7 @@ on:
# build the manuals only when docs directory is updated
- docs/**
- modules/**
# Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN to allow deployment to GitHub Pages
@ -20,23 +22,34 @@ concurrency:
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Check latest commit
should_run: ${{ steps.should_run.outputs.should_run }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.7
- name: print latest_commit
run: echo ${{ github.sha }}
- id: should_run
continue-on-error: true
name: check latest commit is less than a day
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'schedule' }}
run: test -z $(git rev-list --after="24 hours" ${{ github.sha }}) && echo "::set-output name=should_run::false"
needs: check_date
if: ${{ needs.check_date.outputs.should_run != 'false' }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Nix
uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@main
- uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.7
- uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@main
- uses: DeterminateSystems/magic-nix-cache-action@main
- name: Build
run: |
nix build '.#docs'
- run: |
nix build .#docs
cp -r result/share/doc/nvf public
- name: Deploy
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v4
- uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v4
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: ./public
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ isMaximal: {
lspkind.enable = false;
lightbulb.enable = true;
lspsaga.enable = false;
nvimCodeActionMenu.enable = isMaximal;
trouble.enable = true;
lspSignature.enable = true;
lsplines.enable = isMaximal;
@ -204,6 +203,7 @@ isMaximal: {
go = ["90" "130"];
fastaction.enable = true;
assistant = {
@ -2,131 +2,131 @@
manpageUrls ? pkgs.path + "/doc/manpage-urls.json",
}: let
inherit (lib.modules) mkForce evalModules;
inherit (lib.strings) hasPrefix removePrefix;
inherit (lib.attrsets) isAttrs mapAttrs optionalAttrs recursiveUpdate isDerivation;
inherit (builtins) fromJSON readFile;
inherit ((lib.importJSON ../release.json)) release;
# release data
release-config = fromJSON (readFile ../release.json);
revision = release-config.release;
# From home-manager:
# Recursively replace each derivation in the given attribute set
# with the same derivation but with the `outPath` attribute set to
# the string `"\${pkgs.attribute.path}"`. This allows the
# documentation to refer to derivations through their values without
# establishing an actual dependency on the derivation output.
# This is not perfect, but it seems to cover a vast majority of use
# cases.
# Caveat: even if the package is reached by a different means, the
# path above will be shown and not e.g.
# `${config.services.foo.package}`.
scrubDerivations = prefixPath: attrs: let
scrubDerivation = name: value: let
pkgAttrName = prefixPath + "." + name;
if isAttrs value
scrubDerivations pkgAttrName value
// optionalAttrs (isDerivation value) {
outPath = "\${${pkgAttrName}}";
else value;
mapAttrs scrubDerivation attrs;
# Make sure the used package is scrubbed to avoid actually
# instantiating derivations.
scrubbedPkgsModule = {
imports = [
_module.args = {
pkgs = mkForce (scrubDerivations "pkgs" pkgs);
pkgs_i686 = mkForce {};
# Specify the path to the module entrypoint
nvimPath = toString ./..;
buildOptionsDocs = args @ {
includeModuleSystemOptions ? true,
warningsAreErrors ? true,
}: let
inherit ((evalModules {inherit modules;})) options;
# Declaration of the Github site URL.
# Takes a user, repo, and subpath, and returns a declaration site
# as a string.
githubDeclaration = user: repo: subpath: let
urlRef = "github.com";
branch = "main";
in {
url = "https://${urlRef}/${user}/${repo}/blob/${branch}/${subpath}";
name = "<${repo}/${subpath}>";
pkgs.buildPackages.nixosOptionsDoc ({
inherit warningsAreErrors;
options =
if includeModuleSystemOptions
then options
else builtins.removeAttrs options ["_module"];
transformOptions = opt:
recursiveUpdate opt {
# Clean up declaration sites to not refer to the nvf
# source tree.
declarations = map (decl:
if hasPrefix nvimPath (toString decl)
githubDeclaration "notashelf" "nvf"
(removePrefix "/" (removePrefix nvimPath (toString decl)))
else if decl == "lib/modules.nix"
# TODO: handle this in a better way (may require upstream
# changes to nixpkgs)
githubDeclaration "NixOS" "nixpkgs" decl
else decl)
// builtins.removeAttrs args ["modules" "includeModuleSystemOptions"]);
nvimModuleDocs = buildOptionsDocs {
nvimModuleDocs = pkgs.nixosOptionsDoc {
variablelistId = "nvf-options";
warningsAreErrors = true;
modules =
import ../modules/modules.nix {
inherit lib pkgs;
check = false;
++ [scrubbedPkgsModule];
(lib.evalModules {
modules =
import ../modules/modules.nix {
inherit lib pkgs;
++ [
# From nixpkgs:
# Recursively replace each derivation in the given attribute set
# with the same derivation but with the `outPath` attribute set to
# the string `"\${pkgs.attribute.path}"`. This allows the
# documentation to refer to derivations through their values without
# establishing an actual dependency on the derivation output.
# This is not perfect, but it seems to cover a vast majority of use
# cases.
# Caveat: even if the package is reached by a different means, the
# path above will be shown and not e.g.
# `${config.services.foo.package}`.
scrubDerivations = namePrefix: pkgSet:
builtins.mapAttrs (
name: value: let
wholeName = "${namePrefix}.${name}";
if builtins.isAttrs value
scrubDerivations wholeName value
// lib.optionalAttrs (lib.isDerivation value) {
inherit (value) drvPath;
outPath = "\${${wholeName}}";
else value
in {
_module = {
check = false;
args.pkgs = lib.mkForce (scrubDerivations "pkgs" pkgs);
transformOptions = opt:
// {
declarations =
map (
if lib.hasPrefix (toString ../.) (toString decl)
lib.pipe decl [
(lib.removePrefix (toString ../.))
(lib.removePrefix "/")
(x: {
url = "https://github.com/NotAShelf/nvf/blob/main/${decl}";
name = "<nvf/${x}>";
else if decl == "lib/modules.nix"
then {
url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/${decl}";
name = "<nixpkgs/lib/modules.nix>";
else decl
# Generate the HTML manual pages
html = pkgs.callPackage ./manual.nix {
inherit release;
inherit (nvimModuleDocs) optionsJSON;
in {
inherit (inputs) nmd;
# TODO: Use `hmOptionsDocs.optionsJSON` directly once upstream
# `nixosOptionsDoc` is more customizable.
options.json =
pkgs.runCommand "options.json" {
meta.description = "List of nvf options in JSON format";
} ''
mkdir -p $out/{share/doc,nix-support}
cp -a ${nvimModuleDocs.optionsJSON}/share/doc/nixos $out/share/doc/nvf
substitute \
${nvimModuleDocs.optionsJSON}/nix-support/hydra-build-products \
$out/nix-support/hydra-build-products \
--replace \
'${nvimModuleDocs.optionsJSON}/share/doc/nixos' \
# Generate the `man home-configuration.nix` package
nvf-configuration-manual =
manPages =
pkgs.runCommand "nvf-reference-manpage" {
nativeBuildInputs = [pkgs.buildPackages.installShellFiles pkgs.nixos-render-docs];
nativeBuildInputs = [
allowedReferences = ["out"];
} ''
# Generate manpages.
mkdir -p $out/share/man/man5
mkdir -p $out/share/man/man1
mkdir -p $out/share/man/{man5,man1}
nixos-render-docs -j $NIX_BUILD_CORES options manpage \
--revision ${revision} \
--revision ${release} \
--header ${./man/header.5} \
--footer ${./man/footer.5} \
${nvimModuleDocs.optionsJSON}/share/doc/nixos/options.json \
@ -135,38 +135,8 @@
cp ${./man/nvf.1} $out/share/man/man1/nvf.1
# Generate the HTML manual pages
nvf-manual = pkgs.callPackage ./manual.nix {
inherit revision manpageUrls;
outputPath = "share/doc/nvf";
options = {
nvf = nvimModuleDocs.optionsJSON;
manual = {
inherit html;
htmlOpenTool = pkgs.callPackage ./html-open-tool.nix {inherit html;};
html = nvf-manual;
htmlOpenTool = pkgs.callPackage ./html-open-tool.nix {} {inherit html;};
in {
inherit (inputs) nmd;
options = {
# TODO: Use `hmOptionsDocs.optionsJSON` directly once upstream
# `nixosOptionsDoc` is more customizable.
json =
pkgs.runCommand "options.json" {
meta.description = "List of nvf options in JSON format";
} ''
mkdir -p $out/{share/doc,nix-support}
cp -a ${nvimModuleDocs.optionsJSON}/share/doc/nixos $out/share/doc/nvf
substitute \
${nvimModuleDocs.optionsJSON}/nix-support/hydra-build-products \
$out/nix-support/hydra-build-products \
--replace \
'${nvimModuleDocs.optionsJSON}/share/doc/nixos' \
manPages = nvf-configuration-manual;
manual = {inherit html htmlOpenTool;};
@ -2,13 +2,9 @@
}: {
pathName ? "nvf",
projectName ? pathName,
name ? "${pathName}-help",
}: let
helpScript = writeShellScriptBin name ''
helpScript = writeShellScriptBin "nvf-help" ''
set -euo pipefail
if [[ ! -v BROWSER || -z $BROWSER ]]; then
@ -24,20 +20,23 @@
echo "$0: unable to start a web browser; please set \$BROWSER"
exit 1
exec "$BROWSER" "${html}/share/doc/${pathName}/index.xhtml"
exec "$BROWSER" "${html}/share/doc/nvf/index.xhtml"
desktopItem = makeDesktopItem {
name = "${pathName}-manual";
desktopName = "${projectName} Manual";
genericName = "View ${projectName} documentation in a web browser";
name = "nvf-manual";
desktopName = "nvf Manual";
genericName = "View nvf documentation in a web browser";
icon = "nix-snowflake";
exec = "${helpScript}/bin/${name}";
exec = "${helpScript}/bin/nvf-help";
categories = ["System"];
symlinkJoin {
inherit name;
paths = [helpScript desktopItem];
name = "nvf-help";
paths = [
@ -4,11 +4,10 @@
# build inputs
# nrd configuration
outputPath ? "share/doc/nvf",
stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "nvf-manual";
@ -20,9 +19,11 @@ stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
nativeBuildInputs = [nixos-render-docs];
buildPhase = ''
mkdir -p out/{highlightjs,media}
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$dest")"
mkdir -p $dest/{highlightjs,media}
cp -vt out/highlightjs \
cp -vt $dest/highlightjs \
${documentation-highlighter}/highlight.pack.js \
${documentation-highlighter}/LICENSE \
${documentation-highlighter}/mono-blue.css \
@ -31,38 +32,32 @@ stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
substituteInPlace ./options.md \
--subst-var-by \
substituteInPlace ./manual.md \
--subst-var-by \
# copy stylesheet
cp ${./static/style.css} out/style.css
cp ${./static/style.css} "$dest/style.css"
# copy release notes
cp -vr ${./release-notes} release-notes
# generate manual from
nixos-render-docs manual html \
--manpage-urls ${manpageUrls} \
--revision ${lib.trivial.revisionWithDefault revision} \
--manpage-urls ${path + "/doc/manpage-urls.json"} \
--revision ${lib.trivial.revisionWithDefault release} \
--stylesheet style.css \
--script highlightjs/highlight.pack.js \
--script highlightjs/loader.js \
--toc-depth 2 \
--section-toc-depth 1 \
manual.md \
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$dest")"
mv out "$dest"
mkdir -p $out/nix-support/
echo "doc manual $dest index.html" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
mkdir -p $out/nix-support/
echo "doc manual $dest index.html" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Custom Plugins {#ch-custom-plugins}
**nvf**, by default, exposes a wide variety of plugins as module options
for your convience and bundles necessary dependencies into **nvf**'s runtime.
for your convenience and bundles necessary dependencies into **nvf**'s runtime.
In case a plugin is not available in **nvf**, you may consider making a pull
request to **nvf** to include it as a module or you may add it to your
configuration locally.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ entries in nvf:
inserted before the rest of the DAG
2. `globalsScript` - used to set globals defined in `vim.globals`
3. `basic` - used to set basic configuration options
4. `theme` - used to set up the theme, which has to be done before other plugins
4. `theme` (this is simply placed before `pluginConfigs`, meaning that surrounding entries don't depend on it) - used to set up the theme, which has to be done before other plugins
5. `pluginConfigs` - the result of the nested `vim.pluginRC` (internal option,
see the [Custom Plugins](/index.xhtml#ch-custom-plugins) page for adding your own
plugins) DAG, used to set up internal plugins
@ -48,6 +48,18 @@ vim.maps."<leader>m" = {
### `vim.lsp.nvimCodeActionMenu` removed in favor of `vim.ui.fastaction` {#sec-nvim-code-action-menu-deprecation}
The nvim-code-action-menu plugin has been archived and broken for a long time,
so it's being replaced with a young, but better alternative called
fastaction.nvim. Simply remove everything set under
`vim.lsp.nvimCodeActionMenu`, and set `vim.ui.fastaction.enable` to `true`.
Note that we are looking to add more alternatives in the future like
dressing.nvim and actions-preview.nvim, in case fastaction doesn't work for
## Changelog {#sec-release-0.7-changelog}
@ -77,6 +89,7 @@ vim.maps."<leader>m" = {
longer filtered and thus should be used instead.
- Add dap-go for better dap configurations
- Make noice.nvim customizable
- Standardize border style options and add custom borders
[rust-tools.nvim]: https://github.com/simrat39/rust-tools.nvim
[rustaceanvim]: https://github.com/mrcjkb/rustaceanvim
@ -95,7 +108,8 @@ vim.maps."<leader>m" = {
- Fix "Emac" typo
- Add [new-file-template.nvim] to automatically fill new file contents using templates.
- Add [new-file-template.nvim] to automatically fill new file contents using
@ -117,7 +131,6 @@ vim.maps."<leader>m" = {
plugin's options can now be found under `indentBlankline.setupOpts`, the
previous iteration of the module also included out of place/broken options,
which have been removed for the time being. These are:
- `listChar` - this was already unused
- `fillChar` - this had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it
yourself by adding `vim.opt.listchars:append({ space = '<char>' })` to your
@ -126,6 +139,9 @@ vim.maps."<leader>m" = {
yourself by adding `vim.opt.listchars:append({ eol = '<char>' })` to your
lua configuration
- Replace `vim.lsp.nvimCodeActionMenu` with `vim.ui.fastaction`, see the
breaking changes section above for more details
[Neovim documentation on `vim.cmd`]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/lua.html#vim.cmd()
- Make Neovim's configuration file entirely Lua based. This comes with a few
@ -172,7 +188,31 @@ vim.maps."<leader>m" = {
- Add `nvf-print-config` & `nvf-print-config-path` helper scripts to Neovim
closure. Both of those scripts have been automatically added to your PATH upon
using neovimConfig or `programs.nvf.enable`.
- `nvf-print-config` will display your `init.lua`, in full.
- `nvf-print-config-path` will display the path to _a clone_ of your
`init.lua`. This is not the path used by the Neovim wrapper, but an
identical clone.
- Add `vim.ui.breadcrumbs.lualine` to allow fine-tuning breadcrumbs behaviour on
Lualine. Only `vim.ui.breadcrumbs.lualine.winbar` is supported for the time
- [](#opt-vim.ui.breadcrumbs.lualine.winbar.enable) has been added to allow
controlling the default behaviour of the `nvim-navic` component on Lualine,
which used to occupy `winbar.lualine_c` as long as breadcrumbs are enabled.
- `vim.ui.breadcrumbs.alwaysRender` has been renamed to
[](#opt-vim.ui.breadcrumbs.lualine.winbar.alwaysRender) to be conform to the
new format.
- Add [basedpyright](https://github.com/detachhead/basedpyright) as a Python LSP
server and make it default.
- Add [python-lsp-server](https://github.com/python-lsp/python-lsp-server) as an
additional Python LSP server.
- Telescope:
- Fixed `project-nvim` command and keybinding
- Added default ikeybind/command for `Telescope resume` (`<leader>fr`)
@ -1,21 +1,5 @@
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@ -1052,22 +1021,6 @@
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@ -1183,11 +1136,11 @@
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@ -1855,6 +1808,7 @@
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"plugin-dressing-nvim": "plugin-dressing-nvim",
"plugin-elixir-tools": "plugin-elixir-tools",
"plugin-fastaction-nvim": "plugin-fastaction-nvim",
"plugin-fidget-nvim": "plugin-fidget-nvim",
"plugin-flutter-tools": "plugin-flutter-tools",
"plugin-gesture-nvim": "plugin-gesture-nvim",
@ -1885,7 +1839,6 @@
"plugin-nvim-autopairs": "plugin-nvim-autopairs",
"plugin-nvim-bufferline-lua": "plugin-nvim-bufferline-lua",
"plugin-nvim-cmp": "plugin-nvim-cmp",
"plugin-nvim-code-action-menu": "plugin-nvim-code-action-menu",
"plugin-nvim-colorizer-lua": "plugin-nvim-colorizer-lua",
"plugin-nvim-cursorline": "plugin-nvim-cursorline",
"plugin-nvim-dap": "plugin-nvim-dap",
@ -1933,8 +1886,7 @@
"plugin-vim-vsnip": "plugin-vim-vsnip",
"plugin-which-key": "plugin-which-key",
"rnix-lsp": "rnix-lsp",
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"rust-overlay": {
@ -2006,26 +1958,6 @@
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@ -90,10 +90,7 @@
flake = false;
# TODO: get zig from the zig overlay instead of nixpkgs
zig.url = "github:mitchellh/zig-overlay";
# Langauge server (use master instead of nixpkgs)
# Language servers (use master instead of nixpkgs)
rnix-lsp.url = "github:nix-community/rnix-lsp";
nil = {
url = "github:oxalica/nil";
@ -133,8 +130,8 @@
flake = false;
plugin-nvim-code-action-menu = {
url = "github:weilbith/nvim-code-action-menu";
plugin-fastaction-nvim = {
url = "github:Chaitanyabsprip/fastaction.nvim";
flake = false;
@ -159,7 +156,7 @@
flake = false;
# language support
# Language support
plugin-sqls-nvim = {
url = "github:nanotee/sqls.nvim";
flake = false;
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ in {
formatOnSave = true;
lightbulb.enable = true;
lspsaga.enable = false;
nvimCodeActionMenu.enable = true;
trouble.enable = true;
lspSignature.enable = true;
rust.enable = false;
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ in {
formatOnSave = true;
lightbulb.enable = true;
lspsaga.enable = false;
nvimCodeActionMenu.enable = true;
trouble.enable = true;
lspSignature.enable = true;
rust.enable = false;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
docs = import ../docs {inherit pkgs inputs lib;};
in {
packages = {
inherit (docs.manual) htmlOpenTool;
# Documentation
docs = docs.manual.html;
docs-html = docs.manual.html;
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
}: let
modulesWithInputs = import ../modules inputs;
modules ? [],
check ? true,
extraSpecialArgs ? {},
extraModules ? [],
modulesWithInputs {
inherit pkgs lib check extraSpecialArgs extraModules;
configuration.imports = modules;
@ -11,5 +11,5 @@
languages = import ./languages.nix {inherit lib;};
lists = import ./lists.nix {inherit lib;};
lua = import ./lua.nix {inherit lib;};
neovimConfiguration = import ./configuration.nix {inherit inputs lib;};
neovimConfiguration = import ../modules {inherit inputs lib;};
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
typesCustom = import ./custom.nix {inherit lib;};
in {
inherit (typesDag) dagOf;
inherit (typesPlugin) pluginsOpt extraPluginType mkPluginSetupOption luaInline pluginType;
inherit (typesPlugin) pluginsOpt extraPluginType mkPluginSetupOption luaInline pluginType borderType;
inherit (typesLanguage) diagnostics mkGrammarOption;
inherit (typesCustom) anythingConcatLists char;
@ -51,9 +51,13 @@
borderPresets = ["none" "single" "double" "rounded" "solid" "shadow"];
in {
inherit extraPluginType fromInputs pluginType;
borderType = either (enum borderPresets) (listOf (either str (listOf str)));
pluginsOpt = {
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
inputs: {
check ? true,
}: {
extraSpecialArgs ? {},
modules ? [],
# deprecated
extraModules ? [],
configuration ? {},
}: let
inherit (pkgs) vimPlugins;
inherit (lib.strings) isString toString;
@ -13,13 +16,25 @@ inputs: {
# import modules.nix with `check`, `pkgs` and `lib` as arguments
# check can be disabled while calling this file is called
# to avoid checking in all modules
nvimModules = import ./modules.nix {inherit pkgs check lib;};
nvimModules = import ./modules.nix {inherit pkgs lib;};
# evaluate the extended library with the modules
# optionally with any additional modules passed by the user
module = lib.evalModules {
specialArgs = extraSpecialArgs // {modulesPath = toString ./.;};
modules = concatLists [[configuration] nvimModules extraModules];
modules = concatLists [
(lib.optional (configuration != {}) (lib.warn ''
nvf: passing 'configuration' to lib.neovimConfiguration is deprecated.
(lib.optionals (extraModules != []) (lib.warn ''
nvf: passing 'extraModules' to lib.neovimConfiguration is deprecated, use 'modules' instead.
# alias to the internal configuration
@ -7,5 +7,12 @@ in {
Tidalcycles language support has been removed as of 2024-06-06 as it was long unmaintained. If
you depended on this functionality, please open an issue.
# 2024-07-20
(mkRemovedOptionModule ["vim" "lsp" "nvimCodeActionMenu"] ''
nvimCodeActionMenu has been deprecated and removed upstream. As of 0.7, fastaction will be
available under `vim.ui.fastaction` as a replacement. Simply remove everything under
`vim.lsp.nvimCodeActionMenu`, and set `vim.ui.fastaction.enable` to `true`.
@ -1,77 +1,72 @@
check ? true,
}: let
inherit (lib.modules) mkDefault;
inherit (lib.lists) concatLists;
allModules = let
# The core neovim modules.
# Contains configuration for core neovim features
# such as spellchecking, mappings, and the init script (init.vim).
neovim = map (p: "${./neovim}/${p}") [
# The core neovim modules.
# Contains configuration for core neovim features
# such as spellchecking, mappings, and the init script (init.vim).
neovim = map (p: ./neovim + "/${p}") [
# Individual plugin modules, separated by the type of plugin.
# While adding a new type, you must make sure your type is
# included in the list below.
plugins = map (p: "${./plugins}/${p}") [
# "spellcheck" # FIXME: see neovim/init/spellcheck.nix
# Individual plugin modules, separated by the type of plugin.
# While adding a new type, you must make sure your type is
# included in the list below.
plugins = map (p: ./plugins + "/${p}") [
# "spellcheck" # FIXME: see neovim/init/spellcheck.nix
# The neovim wrapper, used to build a wrapped neovim package
# using the configuration passed in `neovim` and `plugins` modules.
wrapper = map (p: "${./wrapper}/${p}") [
# The neovim wrapper, used to build a wrapped neovim package
# using the configuration passed in `neovim` and `plugins` modules.
wrapper = map (p: ./wrapper + "/${p}") [
# Extra modules, such as deprecation warnings
# or renames in one place.
extra = map (p: ./extra + "/${p}") [
allModules = concatLists [neovim plugins wrapper extra];
pkgsModule = {config, ...}: {
config = {
_module = {
inherit check;
args = {
baseModules = allModules;
pkgsPath = mkDefault pkgs.path;
pkgs = mkDefault pkgs;
# Extra modules, such as deprecation warnings
# or renames in one place.
extra = map (p: "${./extra}/${p}") [
concatLists [neovim plugins wrapper extra];
allModules ++ [pkgsModule]
++ [
_module.args = {
baseModules = allModules;
pkgsPath = mkDefault pkgs.path;
pkgs = mkDefault pkgs;
@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
}: let
inherit (lib.options) mkOption literalExpression;
inherit (lib.options) mkOption mkEnableOption literalExpression literalMD;
inherit (lib.strings) optionalString;
inherit (lib.types) enum bool str int;
inherit (lib.types) enum bool str int either;
inherit (lib.generators) mkLuaInline;
inherit (lib.nvim.dag) entryAfter;
inherit (lib.nvim.lua) toLuaObject;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) luaInline;
cfg = config.vim;
in {
@ -158,112 +160,138 @@ in {
default = "sensitive";
description = "Set the case sensitivity of search";
undoFile = {
enable = mkEnableOption "undofile for persistent undo behaviour";
path = mkOption {
type = either str luaInline;
default = mkLuaInline "vim.fn.stdpath('state') .. '/undo'";
defaultText = literalMD ''
mkLuaInline "vim.fn.stdpath('state') .. '/undo'"
example = literalMD ''
mkLuaInline "os.getenv('XDG_DATA_HOME') .. '/nvf/undo'"
description = "Path to the directory in which undo history will be stored";
config.vim.luaConfigRC.basic = entryAfter ["globalsScript"] ''
-- Settings that are set for everything
vim.o.encoding = "utf-8"
vim.o.hidden = true
vim.o.expandtab = true
vim.o.mouse = ${toLuaObject cfg.mouseSupport}
vim.o.tabstop = ${toLuaObject cfg.tabWidth}
vim.o.shiftwidth = ${toLuaObject cfg.tabWidth}
vim.o.softtabstop = ${toLuaObject cfg.tabWidth}
vim.o.cmdheight = ${toLuaObject cfg.cmdHeight}
vim.o.updatetime = ${toLuaObject cfg.updateTime}
vim.o.tm = ${toLuaObject cfg.mapTimeout}
vim.o.cursorlineopt = ${toLuaObject cfg.cursorlineOpt}
vim.o.scrolloff = ${toLuaObject cfg.scrollOffset}
vim.g.mapleader = ${toLuaObject cfg.leaderKey}
vim.g.maplocalleader = ${toLuaObject cfg.leaderKey}
config = {
vim.luaConfigRC.basic = entryAfter ["globalsScript"] ''
-- Settings that are set for everything
vim.o.encoding = "utf-8"
vim.o.hidden = true
vim.o.expandtab = true
vim.o.mouse = ${toLuaObject cfg.mouseSupport}
vim.o.tabstop = ${toLuaObject cfg.tabWidth}
vim.o.shiftwidth = ${toLuaObject cfg.tabWidth}
vim.o.softtabstop = ${toLuaObject cfg.tabWidth}
vim.o.cmdheight = ${toLuaObject cfg.cmdHeight}
vim.o.updatetime = ${toLuaObject cfg.updateTime}
vim.o.tm = ${toLuaObject cfg.mapTimeout}
vim.o.cursorlineopt = ${toLuaObject cfg.cursorlineOpt}
vim.o.scrolloff = ${toLuaObject cfg.scrollOffset}
vim.g.mapleader = ${toLuaObject cfg.leaderKey}
vim.g.maplocalleader = ${toLuaObject cfg.leaderKey}
${optionalString cfg.splitBelow ''
vim.o.splitbelow = true
${optionalString cfg.undoFile.enable ''
vim.o.undofile = true
vim.o.undodir = ${toLuaObject cfg.undoFile.path}
${optionalString cfg.splitRight ''
vim.o.splitright = true
${optionalString cfg.splitBelow ''
vim.o.splitbelow = true
${optionalString cfg.showSignColumn ''
vim.o.signcolumn = "yes"
${optionalString cfg.splitRight ''
vim.o.splitright = true
${optionalString cfg.autoIndent ''
vim.o.autoindent = true
${optionalString cfg.showSignColumn ''
vim.o.signcolumn = "yes"
${optionalString cfg.preventJunkFiles ''
vim.o.swapfile = false
vim.o.backup = false
vim.o.writebackup = false
${optionalString cfg.autoIndent ''
vim.o.autoindent = true
${optionalString (cfg.bell == "none") ''
vim.o.errorbells = false
vim.o.visualbell = false
${optionalString cfg.preventJunkFiles ''
vim.o.swapfile = false
vim.o.backup = false
vim.o.writebackup = false
${optionalString (cfg.bell == "on") ''
vim.o.visualbell = false
${optionalString (cfg.bell == "none") ''
vim.o.errorbells = false
vim.o.visualbell = false
${optionalString (cfg.bell == "visual") ''
vim.o.errorbells = false
${optionalString (cfg.bell == "on") ''
vim.o.visualbell = false
${optionalString (cfg.lineNumberMode == "relative") ''
vim.o.relativenumber = true
${optionalString (cfg.bell == "visual") ''
vim.o.errorbells = false
${optionalString (cfg.lineNumberMode == "number") ''
vim.o.number = true
${optionalString (cfg.lineNumberMode == "relative") ''
vim.o.relativenumber = true
${optionalString (cfg.lineNumberMode == "relNumber") ''
vim.o.number = true
vim.o.relativenumber = true
${optionalString (cfg.lineNumberMode == "number") ''
vim.o.number = true
${optionalString cfg.useSystemClipboard ''
${optionalString (cfg.lineNumberMode == "relNumber") ''
vim.o.number = true
vim.o.relativenumber = true
${optionalString cfg.syntaxHighlighting ''
vim.cmd("syntax on")
${optionalString cfg.useSystemClipboard ''
${optionalString (!cfg.wordWrap) ''
vim.o.wrap = false
${optionalString cfg.syntaxHighlighting ''
vim.cmd("syntax on")
${optionalString cfg.hideSearchHighlight ''
vim.o.hlsearch = false
vim.o.incsearch = true
${optionalString (!cfg.wordWrap) ''
vim.o.wrap = false
${optionalString cfg.colourTerm ''
vim.o.termguicolors = true
${optionalString cfg.hideSearchHighlight ''
vim.o.hlsearch = false
vim.o.incsearch = true
${optionalString (!cfg.enableEditorconfig) ''
vim.g.editorconfig = false
${optionalString cfg.colourTerm ''
vim.o.termguicolors = true
${optionalString (cfg.searchCase == "ignore") ''
vim.o.smartcase = false
vim.o.ignorecase = true
${optionalString (!cfg.enableEditorconfig) ''
vim.g.editorconfig = false
${optionalString (cfg.searchCase == "smart") ''
vim.o.smartcase = true
vim.o.ignorecase = true
${optionalString (cfg.searchCase == "ignore") ''
vim.o.smartcase = false
vim.o.ignorecase = true
${optionalString (cfg.searchCase == "sensitive") ''
vim.o.smartcase = false
vim.o.ignorecase = false
${optionalString (cfg.searchCase == "smart") ''
vim.o.smartcase = true
vim.o.ignorecase = true
${optionalString (cfg.searchCase == "sensitive") ''
vim.o.smartcase = false
vim.o.ignorecase = false
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
dapConfig = ''
dap.adapters.lldb = {
type = 'executable',
command = '${cfg.dap.package}/bin/lldb-vscode',
command = '${cfg.dap.package}/bin/lldb-dap',
name = 'lldb'
dap.configurations.cpp = {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
cfg = config.vim.languages.python;
defaultServer = "pyright";
defaultServer = "basedpyright";
servers = {
pyright = {
package = pkgs.pyright;
@ -30,6 +30,36 @@
basedpyright = {
package = pkgs.basedpyright;
lspConfig = ''
capabilities = capabilities;
on_attach = default_on_attach;
cmd = ${
if isList cfg.lsp.package
then expToLua cfg.lsp.package
else ''{"${cfg.lsp.package}/bin/basedpyright-langserver", "--stdio"}''
python-lsp-server = {
package = pkgs.python-lsp-server;
lspConfig = ''
capabilities = capabilities;
on_attach = default_on_attach;
cmd = ${
if isList cfg.lsp.package
then expToLua cfg.lsp.package
else ''{"${cfg.lsp.package}/bin/pylsp"}''
defaultFormat = "black";
@ -61,11 +91,12 @@
black-and-isort = {
package = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = "black";
runtimeInputs = [pkgs.black pkgs.isort];
text = ''
black --quiet - "$@" | isort --profile black -
runtimeInputs = [pkgs.black pkgs.isort];
nullConfig = ''
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ in {
dap = {
adapter = {
type = "executable",
command = "${cfg.dap.package}/bin/lldb-vscode",
command = "${cfg.dap.package}/bin/lldb-dap",
name = "rustacean_lldb",
@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
cfg = config.vim.languages.ts;
defaultServer = "tsserver";
defaultServer = "ts_ls";
servers = {
tsserver = {
ts_ls = {
package = pkgs.typescript-language-server;
lspConfig = ''
lspconfig.tsserver.setup {
lspconfig.ts_ls.setup {
capabilities = capabilities;
on_attach = attach_keymaps,
cmd = ${
@ -49,6 +49,24 @@
# Here for backwards compatibility. Still consider tsserver a valid
# configuration in the enum, but assert if it's set to *properly*
# redirect the user to the correct server.
tsserver = {
package = pkgs.typescript-language-server;
lspConfig = ''
lspconfig.ts_ls.setup {
capabilities = capabilities;
on_attach = attach_keymaps,
cmd = ${
if isList cfg.lsp.package
then expToLua cfg.lsp.package
else ''{"${cfg.lsp.package}/bin/typescript-language-server", "--stdio"}''
# TODO: specify packages
@ -65,6 +83,7 @@
prettierd = {
package = pkgs.prettierd;
nullConfig = ''
@ -94,6 +113,7 @@
in {
_file = ./ts.nix;
options.vim.languages.ts = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Typescript/Javascript language support";
@ -190,11 +210,32 @@ in {
# Extensions
(mkIf cfg.extensions."ts-error-translator".enable {
vim.startPlugins = ["ts-error-translator"];
vim.pluginRC.ts-error-translator = entryAnywhere ''
require("ts-error-translator").setup(${toLuaObject cfg.extensions.ts-error-translator.setupOpts})
# Warn the user if they have set the default server name to tsserver to match upstream (us)
# The name "tsserver" has been deprecated in lspconfig, and now should be called ts_ls. This
# is a purely cosmetic change, but emits a warning if not accounted for.
assertions = [
assertion = cfg.lsp.enable -> cfg.lsp.server != "tsserver";
message = ''
As of a recent lspconfig update, he `tsserver` configuration has been renamed
to `ts_ls` to match upstream behaviour of `lspconfig`, and the name `tsserver`
is no longer considered valid by nvf. Please set `vim.languages.ts.lsp.server`
to `"ts_ls"` instead of to `${cfg.lsp.server}`
Please see <https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/pull/3232> for more details
about this change.
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
# lsp plugins
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
inherit (lib.strings) optionalString;
inherit (lib.attrsets) mapAttrs;
inherit (lib.nvim.dag) entryAfter;
inherit (lib.nvim.lua) toLuaObject;
cfg = config.vim.lsp;
in {
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ in {
optionalString config.vim.ui.borders.enable ''
require('lspconfig.ui.windows').default_options.border = '${config.vim.ui.borders.globalStyle}'
require('lspconfig.ui.windows').default_options.border = ${toLuaObject config.vim.ui.borders.globalStyle}
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ in {
(mkSetLuaBinding mappings.nextDiagnostic "require('lspsaga.diagnostic').navigate('next')")
(mkSetLuaBinding mappings.previousDiagnostic "require('lspsaga.diagnostic').navigate('prev')")
(mkIf (!cfg.nvimCodeActionMenu.enable) (mkSetLuaBinding mappings.codeAction "require('lspsaga.codeaction').code_action"))
(mkSetLuaBinding mappings.codeAction "require('lspsaga.codeaction').code_action")
(mkIf (!cfg.lspSignature.enable) (mkSetLuaBinding mappings.signatureHelp "require('lspsaga.signaturehelp').signature_help"))
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
}: let
inherit (lib.modules) mkIf;
inherit (lib.nvim.dag) entryAnywhere;
inherit (lib.nvim.binds) mkSetBinding addDescriptionsToMappings pushDownDefault;
cfg = config.vim.lsp;
self = import ./nvim-code-action-menu.nix {inherit lib;};
mappingDefinitions = self.options.vim.lsp.nvimCodeActionMenu.mappings;
mappings = addDescriptionsToMappings cfg.nvimCodeActionMenu.mappings mappingDefinitions;
in {
config = mkIf (cfg.enable && cfg.nvimCodeActionMenu.enable) {
vim = {
startPlugins = ["nvim-code-action-menu"];
maps.normal = mkSetBinding mappings.open ":CodeActionMenu<CR>";
binds.whichKey.register = pushDownDefault {
"<leader>c" = "+CodeAction";
pluginRC.code-action-menu = entryAnywhere ''
-- border configuration
vim.g.code_action_menu_window_border = '${config.vim.ui.borders.plugins.code-action-menu.style}'
-- show individual sections of the code action menu
${lib.optionalString cfg.nvimCodeActionMenu.show.details "vim.g.code_action_menu_show_details = true"}
${lib.optionalString cfg.nvimCodeActionMenu.show.diff "vim.g.code_action_menu_show_diff = true"}
${lib.optionalString cfg.nvimCodeActionMenu.show.actionKind "vim.g.code_action_menu_show_action_kind = true"}
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
{lib, ...}: let
inherit (lib.options) mkEnableOption;
inherit (lib.nvim.binds) mkMappingOption;
in {
options.vim.lsp = {
nvimCodeActionMenu = {
enable = mkEnableOption "nvim code action menu";
show = {
details = mkEnableOption "Show details" // {default = true;};
diff = mkEnableOption "Show diff" // {default = true;};
actionKind = mkEnableOption "Show action kind" // {default = true;};
mappings = {
open = mkMappingOption "Open code action menu [nvim-code-action-menu]" "<leader>ca";
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
inherit (lib.generators) mkLuaInline;
cfg = config.vim.statusline.lualine;
breadcrumbsCfg = config.vim.ui.breadcrumbs;
bCfg = config.vim.ui.breadcrumbs;
in {
config = mkMerge [
# TODO: move into nvim-tree file
@ -20,13 +20,14 @@ in {
extensions = ["nvim-tree"];
(mkIf (breadcrumbsCfg.enable && breadcrumbsCfg.source == "nvim-navic") {
(mkIf (bCfg.enable && bCfg.lualine.winbar.enable && bCfg.source == "nvim-navic") {
vim.statusline.lualine.setupOpts = {
# TODO: rewrite in new syntax
winbar.lualine_c = mkDefault [
(mkLuaInline "draw_empty = ${boolToString config.vim.ui.breadcrumbs.alwaysRender}")
(mkLuaInline "draw_empty = ${boolToString bCfg.lualine.winbar.alwaysRender}")
@ -34,7 +35,6 @@ in {
(mkIf cfg.enable {
vim = {
startPlugins = ["lualine"];
pluginRC.lualine = entryAnywhere ''
local lualine = require('lualine')
lualine.setup ${toLuaObject cfg.setupOpts}
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
inherit (lib.attrsets) attrNames;
inherit (lib.types) bool lines enum;
inherit (lib.modules) mkIf;
inherit (lib.nvim.dag) entryAfter;
inherit (lib.nvim.dag) entryBefore;
cfg = config.vim.theme;
supportedThemes = import ./supported-themes.nix {
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ in {
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
vim = {
startPlugins = [cfg.name];
luaConfigRC.theme = entryAfter ["basic"] ''
luaConfigRC.theme = entryBefore ["pluginConfigs"] ''
${supportedThemes.${cfg.name}.setup {inherit (cfg) style transparent;}}
@ -4,31 +4,34 @@
}: let
inherit (lib.options) mkOption mkEnableOption;
inherit (lib.lists) optionals;
inherit (lib.types) enum;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) borderType;
cfg = config.vim.ui.borders;
defaultStyles = ["none" "single" "double" "rounded"];
in {
options.vim.ui.borders = {
enable = mkEnableOption "visible borders for most windows";
globalStyle = mkOption {
type = enum defaultStyles;
type = borderType;
default = "rounded";
description = ''
The global border style to use.
If a list is given, it should have a length of eight or any divisor of
eight. The array will specify the eight chars building up the border in
a clockwise fashion starting with the top-left corner. You can specify
a different highlight group for each character by passing a
[char, "YourHighlightGroup"] instead
example = ["╔" "═" "╗" "║" "╝" "═" "╚" "║"];
# TODO: make per-plugin borders configurable
plugins = let
mkPluginStyleOption = name: {
enable = mkEnableOption "borders for the ${name} plugin" // {default = cfg.enable;};
style = mkOption {
type = enum (defaultStyles ++ optionals (name != "which-key") ["shadow"]);
type = borderType;
default = cfg.globalStyle;
description = "The border style to use for the ${name} plugin";
@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ in {
lspsaga = mkPluginStyleOption "lspsaga";
nvim-cmp = mkPluginStyleOption "nvim-cmp";
lsp-signature = mkPluginStyleOption "lsp-signature";
code-action-menu = mkPluginStyleOption "code-actions-menu";
fastaction = mkPluginStyleOption "fastaction";
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
}: let
inherit (lib.options) mkOption mkEnableOption;
inherit (lib.types) nullOr listOf enum bool str int;
inherit (lib.types) nullOr listOf enum bool str int either;
inherit (lib.modules) mkRenamedOptionModule;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) mkPluginSetupOption;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) mkPluginSetupOption borderType;
mkSimpleIconOption = default:
mkOption {
inherit default;
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ in {
(renameSetupOpt ["sourceBuffer" "scrolloff"] ["source_buffer" "scrolloff"])
# TODO: every option under icon is renamed to first letter capitalized
(renameSetupOpt ["icon"] ["icon"])
(mkRenamedOptionModule ["vim" "ui" "breadcrumbs" "alwaysRender"] ["vim" "ui" "breadcrumbs" "lualine" "winbar" "alwaysRender"])
options.vim.ui.breadcrumbs = {
@ -43,17 +45,43 @@ in {
# maybe this should be an option to *disable* alwaysRender optionally but oh well
# too late
alwaysRender = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = true;
description = "Whether to always display the breadcrumbs component on winbar (always renders winbar)";
# Options for configuring Lualine integration of nvim-navic
lualine.winbar = {
enable = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = true; # for retaining previous behaviour
example = false;
description = ''
Whether to automatically configure a winbar component for
Lualine on the Winbar section.
::: {.note}
This is **set to `true` by default**, which means nvim-navic
will occupy `winbar.lualine_c` for the breadcrumbs feature
unless this option is set to `false`.
alwaysRender = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = true;
example = false;
description = ''
Whether to always display the breadcrumbs component
on winbar.
::: {.note}
This will pass `draw_empty` to the `nvim_navic` winbar
component, which causes the component to be drawn even
if it's empty
navbuddy = {
enable = mkEnableOption "navbuddy LSP helper UI. Enabling this option automatically loads and enables nvim-navic";
mappings = {
close = mkOption {
type = str;
@ -212,8 +240,7 @@ in {
# position = {}
border = mkOption {
# TODO: let this type accept a custom string
type = enum ["single" "rounded" "double" "solid" "none"];
type = borderType;
default = config.vim.ui.borders.globalStyle;
description = "border style to use";
@ -236,8 +263,7 @@ in {
border = mkOption {
# TODO: let this type accept a custom string
type = nullOr (enum ["single" "rounded" "double" "solid" "none"]);
type = borderType;
default = config.vim.ui.borders.globalStyle;
description = "border style to use for the left section of Navbuddy UI";
@ -254,8 +280,7 @@ in {
border = mkOption {
# TODO: let this type accept a custom string
type = nullOr (enum ["single" "rounded" "double" "solid" "none"]);
type = borderType;
default = config.vim.ui.borders.globalStyle;
description = "border style to use for the middle section of Navbuddy UI";
@ -265,8 +290,7 @@ in {
# there is no size option for the right section, it fills the remaining space
right = {
border = mkOption {
# TODO: let this type accept a custom string
type = nullOr (enum ["single" "rounded" "double" "solid" "none"]);
type = borderType;
default = config.vim.ui.borders.globalStyle;
description = "border style to use for the right section of Navbuddy UI";
@ -8,5 +8,6 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
}: let
inherit (lib.modules) mkIf mkDefault;
inherit (lib.nvim.dag) entryAnywhere;
inherit (lib.nvim.lua) toLuaObject;
cfg = config.vim.ui.fastaction;
borderCfg = config.vim.ui.borders.plugins.fastaction;
in {
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
vim = {
ui.fastaction.setupOpts = {
register_ui_select = mkDefault true;
popup.border = mkIf borderCfg.enable borderCfg.style;
startPlugins = ["fastaction-nvim"];
pluginRC.fastaction = entryAnywhere "require('fastaction').setup(${toLuaObject cfg.setupOpts})";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
imports = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
{lib, ...}: let
inherit (lib.options) mkEnableOption;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) mkPluginSetupOption;
in {
options.vim.ui.fastaction = {
enable = mkEnableOption "overriding vim.ui.select with fastaction.nvim";
setupOpts = mkPluginSetupOption "fastaction" {};
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ in {
${optionalString config.vim.ui.borders.plugins.which-key.enable ''
window = {
border = "${config.vim.ui.borders.plugins.which-key.style}",
border = ${toLuaObject config.vim.ui.borders.plugins.which-key.style},
@ -17,75 +17,78 @@
mappings = addDescriptionsToMappings cfg.mappings mappingDefinitions;
in {
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
vim.startPlugins = [
vim = {
startPlugins = [
vim.maps.normal = mkMerge [
(mkSetBinding mappings.findFiles "<cmd> Telescope find_files<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.liveGrep "<cmd> Telescope live_grep<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.buffers "<cmd> Telescope buffers<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.helpTags "<cmd> Telescope help_tags<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.open "<cmd> Telescope<CR>")
maps.normal = mkMerge [
(mkSetBinding mappings.findFiles "<cmd> Telescope find_files<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.liveGrep "<cmd> Telescope live_grep<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.buffers "<cmd> Telescope buffers<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.helpTags "<cmd> Telescope help_tags<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.open "<cmd> Telescope<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.resume "<cmd> Telescope resume<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.gitCommits "<cmd> Telescope git_commits<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.gitBufferCommits "<cmd> Telescope git_bcommits<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.gitBranches "<cmd> Telescope git_branches<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.gitStatus "<cmd> Telescope git_status<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.gitStash "<cmd> Telescope git_stash<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.gitCommits "<cmd> Telescope git_commits<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.gitBufferCommits "<cmd> Telescope git_bcommits<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.gitBranches "<cmd> Telescope git_branches<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.gitStatus "<cmd> Telescope git_status<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.gitStash "<cmd> Telescope git_stash<CR>")
(mkIf config.vim.lsp.enable (mkMerge [
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspDocumentSymbols "<cmd> Telescope lsp_document_symbols<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspWorkspaceSymbols "<cmd> Telescope lsp_workspace_symbols<CR>")
(mkIf config.vim.lsp.enable (mkMerge [
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspDocumentSymbols "<cmd> Telescope lsp_document_symbols<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspWorkspaceSymbols "<cmd> Telescope lsp_workspace_symbols<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspReferences "<cmd> Telescope lsp_references<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspImplementations "<cmd> Telescope lsp_implementations<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspDefinitions "<cmd> Telescope lsp_definitions<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspTypeDefinitions "<cmd> Telescope lsp_type_definitions<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.diagnostics "<cmd> Telescope diagnostics<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspReferences "<cmd> Telescope lsp_references<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspImplementations "<cmd> Telescope lsp_implementations<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspDefinitions "<cmd> Telescope lsp_definitions<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.lspTypeDefinitions "<cmd> Telescope lsp_type_definitions<CR>")
(mkSetBinding mappings.diagnostics "<cmd> Telescope diagnostics<CR>")
mkIf config.vim.treesitter.enable
(mkSetBinding mappings.treesitter "<cmd> Telescope treesitter<CR>")
mkIf config.vim.treesitter.enable
(mkSetBinding mappings.treesitter "<cmd> Telescope treesitter<CR>")
mkIf config.vim.projects.project-nvim.enable
(mkSetBinding mappings.findProjects "<cmd Telescope projects<CR>")
mkIf config.vim.projects.project-nvim.enable
(mkSetBinding mappings.findProjects "<cmd> Telescope projects<CR>")
vim.binds.whichKey.register = pushDownDefault {
"<leader>f" = "+Telescope";
"<leader>fl" = "Telescope LSP";
"<leader>fm" = "Cellular Automaton";
"<leader>fv" = "Telescope Git";
"<leader>fvc" = "Commits";
binds.whichKey.register = pushDownDefault {
"<leader>f" = "+Telescope";
"<leader>fl" = "Telescope LSP";
"<leader>fm" = "Cellular Automaton";
"<leader>fv" = "Telescope Git";
"<leader>fvc" = "Commits";
pluginRC.telescope = entryAnywhere ''
local telescope = require('telescope')
telescope.setup(${toLuaObject cfg.setupOpts})
if config.vim.ui.noice.enable
then "telescope.load_extension('noice')"
else ""
if config.vim.notify.nvim-notify.enable
then "telescope.load_extension('notify')"
else ""
if config.vim.projects.project-nvim.enable
then "telescope.load_extension('projects')"
else ""
vim.pluginRC.telescope = entryAnywhere ''
local telescope = require('telescope')
telescope.setup(${toLuaObject cfg.setupOpts})
if config.vim.ui.noice.enable
then "telescope.load_extension('noice')"
else ""
if config.vim.notify.nvim-notify.enable
then "telescope.load_extension('notify')"
else ""
if config.vim.projects.project-nvim.enable
then "telescope.load_extension('projects')"
else ""
@ -150,13 +150,13 @@
in {
options.vim.telescope = {
mappings = {
findProjects = mkMappingOption "Find files [Telescope]" "<leader>fp";
findProjects = mkMappingOption "Find projects [Telescope]" "<leader>fp";
findFiles = mkMappingOption "Find files [Telescope]" "<leader>ff";
liveGrep = mkMappingOption "Live grep [Telescope]" "<leader>fg";
buffers = mkMappingOption "Buffers [Telescope]" "<leader>fb";
helpTags = mkMappingOption "Help tags [Telescope]" "<leader>fh";
open = mkMappingOption "Open [Telescope]" "<leader>ft";
resume = mkMappingOption "Resume (previous search) [Telescope]" "<leader>fr";
gitCommits = mkMappingOption "Git commits [Telescope]" "<leader>fvcw";
gitBufferCommits = mkMappingOption "Git buffer commits [Telescope]" "<leader>fvcb";
@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ in {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
inherit (lib.options) mkEnableOption mkOption literalExpression;
inherit (lib.strings) toUpper;
inherit (lib.types) int float bool str enum listOf attrsOf oneOf nullOr submodule;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) mkPluginSetupOption luaInline;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) mkPluginSetupOption luaInline borderType;
inherit (lib.generators) mkLuaInline;
in {
imports = [
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ in {
border = mkOption {
description = "Border style of the notification window";
type = enum ["none" "single" "double" "rounded" "solid" "shadow"];
type = borderType;
default =
if config.vim.ui.borders.enable
then config.vim.ui.borders.globalStyle
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ in {
vim = {
luaConfigRC = {
globalsScript = entryAnywhere (concatLines globalsScript);
# basic, theme
pluginConfigs = entryAfter ["theme"] pluginConfigs;
# basic
pluginConfigs = entryAfter ["basic"] pluginConfigs;
extraPluginConfigs = entryAfter ["pluginConfigs"] extraPluginConfigs;
mappings = entryAfter ["extraPluginConfigs"] keymaps;
Add table
Reference in a new issue