2024-04-28 22:08:28 -04:00
# Release 0.7 {#sec-release-0.7}
Release notes for release 0.7
2024-07-20 10:30:48 +02:00
## Breaking Changes and Migration Guide {#sec-breaking-changes-and-migration-guide-0-7}
In v0.7 we are removing `vim.configRC` in favor of making `vim.luaConfigRC` the
top-level DAG, and thereby making the entire configuration Lua based. This
change introduces a few breaking changes:
[DAG entries in nvf manual]: /index.xhtml#ch-dag-entries
- `vim.configRC` has been removed, which means that you have to convert all of
your custom vimscript-based configuration to Lua. As for how to do that, you
will have to consult the Neovim documentation and your search engine.
- After migrating your Vimscript-based configuration to Lua, you might not be
able to use the same entry names in `vim.luaConfigRC`, because those have also
slightly changed. See the new [DAG entries in nvf manual] for more details.
Neovim being an aggressive refactor of Vim, is designed to be mainly Lua based;
making good use of its extensive Lua API. Additionally, Vimscript is slow and
brings unnecessary performance overhead while working with different
configuration formats.
2024-04-28 22:08:28 -04:00
## Changelog {#sec-release-0.7-changelog}
2024-05-23 10:00:20 -04:00
- Add support for [typst](https://typst.app/) under `vim.languages.typst` This
2024-05-08 23:49:08 +03:00
will enable the `typst-lsp` language server, and the `typstfmt` formatter
2024-04-29 08:11:02 -04:00
2024-05-08 23:49:08 +03:00
- Modified type for
2024-07-20 10:30:48 +02:00
[](#opt-vim.visuals.fidget-nvim.setupOpts.progress.display.overrides) from
`anything` to a `submodule` for better type checking.
2024-06-24 14:14:07 -04:00
2024-05-06 17:01:16 -04:00
- Fix null `vim.lsp.mappings` generating an error and not being filtered out.
2024-06-24 14:14:07 -04:00
2024-06-24 17:00:01 +03:00
- Add basic transparency support for `oxocarbon` theme by setting the highlight
group for `Normal`, `NormalFloat`, `LineNr`, `SignColumn` and optionally
`NvimTreeNormal` to `none`.
2024-05-02 19:41:44 +02:00
2024-07-20 10:30:48 +02:00
- Fix [](#opt-vim.ui.smartcolumn.setupOpts.custom_colorcolumn) using the wrong
type `int` instead of the expected type `string`.
2024-06-24 14:14:07 -04:00
2024-05-06 17:01:16 -04:00
2024-05-02 19:41:44 +02:00
- Fix broken treesitter-context keybinds in visual mode
2024-07-20 10:30:48 +02:00
- Deprecate use of `__empty` to define empty tables in Lua. Empty attrset are no
2024-06-24 17:00:01 +03:00
longer filtered and thus should be used instead.
2024-07-03 20:42:26 +02:00
- Add dap-go for better dap configurations
2024-07-10 23:02:48 +02:00
- Make noice.nvim customizable
2024-09-13 18:34:21 +02:00
- Standardize border style options and add custom borders
2024-07-20 10:30:48 +02:00
[rust-tools.nvim]: https://github.com/simrat39/rust-tools.nvim
[rustaceanvim]: https://github.com/mrcjkb/rustaceanvim
- Switch from [rust-tools.nvim] to the more feature-packed [rustaceanvim]. This
switch entails a whole bunch of new features and options, so you are
recommended to go through rustacean.nvim's README to take a closer look at its
features and usage
2024-06-24 17:00:01 +03:00
2024-08-08 20:45:33 +02:00
2024-06-24 17:00:01 +03:00
2024-07-20 10:30:48 +02:00
[ocaml-lsp]: https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp
2024-08-08 20:45:33 +02:00
[new-file-template.nvim]: https://github.com/otavioschwanck/new-file-template.nvim
2024-07-20 10:30:48 +02:00
- Add [ocaml-lsp] support
2024-06-24 17:00:01 +03:00
2024-07-20 10:30:48 +02:00
- Fix "Emac" typo
2024-06-24 17:00:01 +03:00
2024-09-13 20:54:08 +03:00
- Add [new-file-template.nvim] to automatically fill new file contents using
2024-08-08 20:45:33 +02:00
2024-06-24 17:00:01 +03:00
- Move the `theme` dag entry to before `luaScript`.
2024-06-25 18:25:50 +02:00
- Add rustfmt as the default formatter for Rust.
2024-07-14 18:30:12 +00:00
- Enabled the terminal integration of catppuccin for theming Neovim's built-in
terminal (this also affects toggleterm).
2024-05-06 22:30:06 +03:00
2024-06-28 16:45:37 +02:00
- Migrate bufferline to setupOpts for more customizability
2024-07-06 21:14:36 +02:00
- Use `clangd` as the default language server for C languages
2024-07-14 18:30:12 +00:00
- Expose `lib.nvim.types.pluginType`, which for example allows the user to
create abstractions for adding plugins
2024-07-10 21:58:37 +02:00
2024-07-14 18:30:12 +00:00
- Migrate indent-blankline to setupOpts for more customizability. While the
plugin's options can now be found under `indentBlankline.setupOpts`, the
previous iteration of the module also included out of place/broken options,
which have been removed for the time being. These are:
2024-07-12 17:47:33 +02:00
- `listChar` - this was already unused
2024-07-14 18:30:12 +00:00
- `fillChar` - this had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it
yourself by adding `vim.opt.listchars:append({ space = '<char>' })` to your
lua configuration
- `eolChar` - this also had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it
yourself by adding `vim.opt.listchars:append({ eol = '<char>' })` to your
lua configuration
2024-07-12 17:47:33 +02:00
2024-07-20 10:30:48 +02:00
[Neovim documentation on `vim.cmd`]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/lua.html#vim.cmd()
- Make Neovim's configuration file entirely Lua based. This comes with a few
breaking changes:
- `vim.configRC` has been removed. You will need to migrate your entries to
Neovim-compliant Lua code, and add them to `vim.luaConfigRC` instead.
Existing vimscript configurations may be preserved in `vim.cmd` functions.
Please see [Neovim documentation on `vim.cmd`]
- `vim.luaScriptRC` is now the top-level DAG, and the internal `vim.pluginRC`
has been introduced for setting up internal plugins. See the "DAG entries in
nvf" manual page for more information.
2024-06-24 14:14:07 -04:00
2024-05-06 22:30:06 +03:00
2024-07-14 18:30:12 +00:00
[ts-error-translator.nvim]: https://github.com/dmmulroy/ts-error-translator.nvim
2024-07-20 10:30:48 +02:00
[credo]: https://github.com/rrrene/credo
2024-07-14 18:30:12 +00:00
2024-05-06 22:30:06 +03:00
- Add `deno fmt` as the default Markdown formatter. This will be enabled
automatically if you have autoformatting enabled, but can be disabled manually
if you choose to.
2024-05-06 22:57:36 +03:00
2024-05-08 23:49:08 +03:00
- Add `vim.extraLuaFiles` for optionally sourcing additional lua files in your
2024-05-07 00:52:33 +03:00
- Refactor `programs.languages.elixir` to use lspconfig and none-ls for LSP and
formatter setups respectively. Diagnostics support is considered, and may be
2024-07-20 10:30:48 +02:00
added once the [credo] linter has been added to nixpkgs. A pull request is
currently open.
2024-05-06 22:57:36 +03:00
2024-06-24 17:00:01 +03:00
- Remove vim-tidal and friends.
2024-05-15 12:53:19 +03:00
2024-05-23 10:00:20 -04:00
- Clean up Lualine module to reduce theme dependency on Catppuccin, and fixed
2024-05-15 12:53:19 +03:00
blending issues in component separators.
2024-05-15 19:37:27 +02:00
2024-07-14 18:30:12 +00:00
- Add [ts-ereror-translator.nvim] extension of the TS language module, under
`vim.languages.ts.extensions.ts-error-translator` to aid with Typescript
- Add [neo-tree.nvim] as an alternative file-tree plugin. It will be available
under `vim.filetree.neo-tree`, similar to nvimtree.
2024-07-20 13:01:40 +00:00
2024-08-11 21:10:55 +00:00
- Add `nvf-print-config` & `nvf-print-config-path` helper scripts to Neovim
2024-07-20 13:01:40 +00:00
closure. Both of those scripts have been automatically added to your PATH upon
using neovimConfig or `programs.nvf.enable`.
2024-09-13 20:54:08 +03:00
2024-08-11 21:10:55 +00:00
- `nvf-print-config` will display your `init.lua`, in full.
- `nvf-print-config-path` will display the path to _a clone_ of your
2024-07-20 13:01:40 +00:00
`init.lua`. This is not the path used by the Neovim wrapper, but an
identical clone.
2024-09-08 17:44:42 +02:00
2024-09-13 20:54:08 +03:00
- Add `vim.ui.breadcrumbs.lualine` to allow fine-tuning breadcrumbs behaviour on
Lualine. Only `vim.ui.breadcrumbs.lualine.winbar` is supported for the time
2024-09-16 13:28:33 +03:00
2024-09-13 20:54:08 +03:00
- [](#opt-vim.ui.breadcrumbs.lualine.winbar.enable) has been added to allow
controlling the default behaviour of the `nvim-navic` component on Lualine,
which used to occupy `winbar.lualine_c` as long as breadcrumbs are enabled.
- `vim.ui.breadcrumbs.alwaysRender` has been renamed to
[](#opt-vim.ui.breadcrumbs.lualine.winbar.alwaysRender) to be conform to the
new format.
2024-09-16 13:28:33 +03:00
- Add [basedpyright](https://github.com/detachhead/basedpyright) as a Python LSP
server and make it default.
- Add [python-lsp-server](https://github.com/python-lsp/python-lsp-server) as an
additional Python LSP server.
2024-09-08 17:44:42 +02:00
- Telescope:
- Fixed `project-nvim` command and keybinding
- Added default ikeybind/command for `Telescope resume` (`<leader>fr`)