mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 08:22:36 +00:00
[hexxy] DEV branch - extremely speed up hex encoding
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 569 additions and 215 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
package main
import ()
// returns -1 on success
// returns k > -1 if space found where k is index of space byte
func binaryDecode(dst, src []byte) int {
var v, d byte
for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
v, d = src[i], d<<1
if isSpace(v) { // found a space, so between groups
if i == 0 {
return 1
return i
if v == '1' {
d ^= 1
} else if v != '0' {
return i // will catch issues like "000000: "
dst[0] = d
return -1
func cfmtEncode(dst, src []byte, hextable string) {
b := src[0]
dst[3] = hextable[b&0x0f]
dst[2] = hextable[b>>4]
dst[1] = 'x'
dst[0] = '0'
// copied from encoding/hex package in order to add support for uppercase hex
func hexEncode(dst, src []byte, hextable string) {
b := src[0]
dst[1] = hextable[b&0x0f]
dst[0] = hextable[b>>4]
// copied from encoding/hex package
// returns -1 on bad byte or space (\t \s \n)
// returns -2 on two consecutive spaces
// returns 0 on success
func hexDecode(dst, src []byte) int {
_, _ = src[2], dst[0]
if isSpace(src[0]) {
if isSpace(src[1]) {
return -2
return -1
if isPrefix(src[0:2]) {
src = src[2:]
for i := 0; i < len(src)/2; i++ {
a, ok := fromHexChar(src[i*2])
if !ok {
return -1
b, ok := fromHexChar(src[i*2+1])
if !ok {
return -1
dst[0] = (a << 4) | b
return 0
// copied from encoding/hex package
func fromHexChar(c byte) (byte, bool) {
switch {
case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
return c - '0', true
case 'a' <= c && c <= 'f':
return c - 'a' + 10, true
case 'A' <= c && c <= 'F':
return c - 'A' + 10, true
return 0, false
// check if entire line is full of empty []byte{0} bytes (nul in C)
func empty(b *[]byte) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(*b); i++ {
if (*b)[i] != 0 {
return false
return true
// quick binary tree check
// probably horribly written idk it's late at night
func parseSpecifier(b string) float64 {
lb := len(b)
if lb == 0 {
return 0
var b0, b1 byte
if lb < 2 {
b0 = b[0]
b1 = '0'
} else {
b1 = b[1]
b0 = b[0]
if b1 != '0' {
if b1 == 'b' { // bits, so convert bytes to bits for os.Seek()
if b0 == 'k' || b0 == 'K' {
return 0.0078125
if b0 == 'm' || b0 == 'M' {
return 7.62939453125e-06
if b0 == 'g' || b0 == 'G' {
return 7.45058059692383e-09
if b1 == 'B' { // kilo/mega/giga- bytes are assumed
if b0 == 'k' || b0 == 'K' {
return 1024
if b0 == 'm' || b0 == 'M' {
return 1048576
if b0 == 'g' || b0 == 'G' {
return 1073741824
} else { // kilo/mega/giga- bytes are assumed for single b, k, m, g
if b0 == 'k' || b0 == 'K' {
return 1024
if b0 == 'm' || b0 == 'M' {
return 1048576
if b0 == 'g' || b0 == 'G' {
return 1073741824
return 1 // assumes bytes as fallback
// is byte a space? (\t, \n, \s)
func isSpace(b byte) bool {
switch b {
case 32, 12, 9:
return true
return false
// are the two bytes hex prefixes? (0x or 0X)
func isPrefix(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == '0' && (b[1] == 'x' || b[1] == 'X')
@ -2,31 +2,80 @@ package main
import (
var opts struct {
NoColor bool `short:"N" long:"no-color" description:"do not print output with color"`
OffsetFormat string `short:"t" long:"radix" default:"x" choice:"d" choice:"o" choice:"x" description:"Print offset in [d|o|x] format"`
Binary bool `short:"b" long:"binary" description:"output in binary format (01010101) incompatible with plain, reverse and include"`
Reverse bool `short:"r" long:"reverse" description:"re-assemble hexdump output back into binary"`
Autoskip bool `short:"a" long:"autoskip" description:"toggle autoskip (replaces blank lines with a *)"`
Bars bool `short:"B" long:"bars" description:"delimiter bars in ascii table"`
Seek int64 `short:"s" long:"seek" description:"start at <seek> bytes"`
Len int64 `short:"l" long:"len" description:"stop after <len> octets"`
Columns int `short:"c" long:"columns" description:"column count"`
GroupSize int `short:"g" long:"groups" description:"group count"`
Plain bool `short:"p" long:"plain" description:"plain output without ascii table and offset row [often used with hexxy -r]"`
Upper bool `short:"u" long:"upper" description:"output hex in UPPERCASE format"`
CInclude bool `short:"i" long:"include" description:"output in C include format"`
OutputFile string `short:"o" long:"output" description:"automatically output to file instead of STDOUT"`
Separator string `long:"separator" default:"|" description:"separator character for the ascii character table"`
ForceColor bool `short:"F" long:"force-color" description:"color is automatically disabled if output is a pipe, this option forces color output"`
Separator string `short:"s" long:"separator" default:"|" description:"separator character for the ascii character table"`
NoColor bool `short:"N" long:"no-color" description:"do not print output with color"`
Verbose bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"print debugging information and verbose output"`
var Debug = func(string, ...interface{}) {}
var OffsetFormat string
var Separator string
const (
dumpHex = iota
const (
ldigits = "0123456789abcdef"
udigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"
var (
dumpType int
space = []byte(" ")
doubleSpace = []byte(" ")
dot = []byte(".")
newLine = []byte("\n")
zeroHeader = []byte("0000000: ")
unsignedChar = []byte("unsigned char ")
unsignedInt = []byte("};\nunsigned int ")
lenEquals = []byte("_len = ")
brackets = []byte("[] = {")
asterisk = []byte("*")
commaSpace = []byte(", ")
comma = []byte(",")
semiColonNl = []byte(";\n")
bar = []byte("|")
func binaryEncode(dst, src []byte) {
d := uint(0)
_, _ = src[0], dst[7]
for i := 7; i >= 0; i-- {
if src[0]&(1<<d) == 0 {
dst[i] = 0
} else {
dst[i] = 1
const GREY = "\x1b[38;2;111;111;111m"
const CLR = "\x1b[0m"
@ -59,49 +108,19 @@ func (c *Color) Colorize(s string, clr byte) string {
return c.values[clr] + s + NOCOLOR
func stdinOpen() bool {
func inputIsPipe() bool {
stat, _ := os.Stdin.Stat()
if stat.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice == os.ModeCharDevice {
return false
} else {
return true
return stat.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice != os.ModeCharDevice
func asciiRow(ascii []byte, clr *Color, stdout io.Writer) {
var s string
for _, b := range ascii {
if b >= 33 && b <= 126 {
s = clr.Colorize(string(b), b)
} else {
s = clr.Colorize(".", b)
fmt.Fprint(stdout, s)
func outputIsPipe() bool {
stat, _ := os.Stdout.Stat()
return stat.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice != os.ModeCharDevice
func printOffset(offset uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(OffsetFormat, offset)
func printSeparator(writer io.Writer, newline bool) {
// WHY???
if newline {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, Separator)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(writer, Separator)
func Hexdump(file *os.File, color *Color) error {
stdout := bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
stderr := os.Stderr
ascii := [16]byte{}
defer stdout.Flush()
var i uint64 = 0
reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file, 10*1024*1024)
func HexdumpPlain(file *os.File) error {
var i uint64
reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file, 10*1024)
for {
b, err := reader.ReadByte()
@ -109,154 +128,285 @@ func Hexdump(file *os.File, color *Color) error {
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read %v: %v\n", file.Name(), err)
return err
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to read %v: %w\n", file.Name(), err)
ascii[i%16] = b
// offset
if i%16 == 0 {
// fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "%08x ", i)
offy := printOffset(i)
fmt.Fprint(stdout, offy)
// byte
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, color.Colorize("%02x", b)+" ", b)
// extra space every 4 bytes
if (i+1)%4 == 0 {
fmt.Fprint(stdout, " ")
// print ascii row and newline │ | ┆
if (i+1)%16 == 0 {
// fmt.Fprint(stdout, "│")
printSeparator(stdout, false)
asciiRow(ascii[:i%16], color, stdout)
// fmt.Fprintln(stdout, "│")
printSeparator(stdout, true)
ascii = [16]byte{} // reset
if i%30 == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%02x", b)
if i%16 != 0 {
left := int(16 - i%16)
spaces := 3*left + (left-1)/4 + 1
fmt.Fprint(stdout, strings.Repeat(" ", spaces))
printSeparator(stdout, false)
asciiRow(ascii[:i%16], color, stdout)
printSeparator(stdout, true)
offy := printOffset(i)
fmt.Fprintln(stdout, offy)
// fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "%08x\n", i)
return nil
func HexdumpPlain(file *os.File) error {
// stdout := bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
// stderr := os.Stderr
// defer stdout.Flush()
// func plain2Binary(file *os.File) error {
// return reverse(os.Stdout, os.Stdin)
// }
src, err := io.ReadAll(file)
if err != nil {
return err
// func getOffsetFormat() error {
// var prefix string
// var suffix string
// var format string
// switch opts.OffsetFormat {
// case "d":
// format = prefix + "%08d " + suffix
// case "o":
// format = prefix + "%08o " + suffix
// case "x":
// format = prefix + "%08x " + suffix
// default:
// return fmt.Errorf("Offset format must be [d|o|x]")
// }
// return nil
// }
func XXD(r io.Reader, w io.Writer, filename string) error {
var (
lineOffset int64
hexOffset = make([]byte, 6)
groupSize int
cols int
octs int
caps = ldigits
doCheader = true
doCEnd bool
varDeclChar = make([]byte, 14+len(filename)+6) // for "unsigned char NAME_FORMAT[] = {"
varDeclInt = make([]byte, 16+len(filename)+7) // enough room for "unsigned int NAME_FORMAT = "
nulLine int64
totalOcts int64
if dumpType == dumpCformat {
_ = copy(varDeclChar[0:14], unsignedChar[:])
_ = copy(varDeclInt[0:14], lenEquals[:])
for i := 0; i < len(filename); i++ {
if filename[i] != '.' {
varDeclChar[14+i] = filename[i]
varDeclInt[16+i] = filename[i]
} else {
varDeclChar[14+i] = '_'
varDeclInt[16+i] = '_'
// copy "[] = {" and "_len = "
_ = copy(varDeclChar[14+len(filename):], brackets[:])
_ = copy(varDeclInt[16+len(filename):], lenEquals[:])
dst := make([]byte, hex.EncodedLen(len(src)))
hex.Encode(dst, src)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", dst)
if opts.Upper {
caps = udigits
// reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file, 10*1024*1024)
// for {
// b, err := reader.ReadByte()
// if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
// break
// }
// if err != nil {
// fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read %v: %v\n", file.Name(), err)
// return err
// }
// stdout.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%02x", string(b)))
// }
return nil
func plain2Binary(file *os.File) error {
return reverse(os.Stdout, os.Stdin)
// contents, err := io.ReadAll(file)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// fmt.Println(len(contents))
// fmt.Printf("Binary byte representation: %08b\n", contents)
// _, err = hex.Decode(contents, dst)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// os.Stdout.Write(dst)
// dest := make([]byte, hex.EncodedLen(len(contents)))
// hex.Decode(dest, contents)
// fmt.Printf("%s\n", dest)
// return nil
func getOffsetFormat() error {
var prefix string
var suffix string
var sep string
// turn off color if output is a pipe
// idk if I like this though since I often
// use hexxy asdf | head -n 10 but I also want to work on --reverse option
// stat, _ := os.Stdout.Stat()
// if stat.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice == 0 && !opts.ForceColor {
// opts.NoColor = true
// }
if !opts.NoColor {
prefix = GREY
suffix = CLR
sep = "│"
if opts.Columns == -1 {
switch dumpType {
case dumpPlain:
cols = 30
case dumpCformat:
cols = 12
case dumpBinary:
cols = 6
cols = 16
} else {
prefix = ""
suffix = ""
sep = "|"
cols = opts.Columns
if opts.Separator != "" {
sep = opts.Separator
Separator = prefix + sep + suffix
switch opts.OffsetFormat {
case "d":
OffsetFormat = prefix + "%08d " + suffix
case "o":
OffsetFormat = prefix + "%08o " + suffix
case "x":
OffsetFormat = prefix + "%08x " + suffix
switch dumpType {
case dumpBinary:
octs = 8
groupSize = 1
case dumpPlain:
octs = 0
case dumpCformat:
octs = 4
return fmt.Errorf("Offset format must be [d|o|x]")
octs = 2
groupSize = 2
if opts.GroupSize != -1 {
groupSize = opts.GroupSize
if opts.Len != -1 {
if opts.Len < int64(cols) {
cols = int(opts.Len)
if octs < 1 {
octs = cols
// allocate their size based on the users specs, hence why its declared here
var (
line = make([]byte, cols)
char = make([]byte, octs)
c := int64(0)
nl := int64(0)
r = bufio.NewReader(r)
var (
n int
err error
for {
n, err = io.ReadFull(r, line)
if err != nil && errors.Is(err, io.EOF) && errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) {
return fmt.Errorf("hexxy: %v", err)
if dumpType == dumpPlain && n != 0 {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
hexEncode(char, line[i:i+1], caps)
if n == 0 {
if dumpType == dumpPlain {
if dumpType == dumpCformat {
doCEnd = true
} else {
return nil
if opts.Len != -1 {
if totalOcts == opts.Len {
totalOcts += opts.Len
if opts.Autoskip && empty(&line) {
if nulLine == 1 {
if nulLine > 1 {
// hex or binary formats only
if dumpType <= dumpBinary {
// line offset
hexOffset = strconv.AppendInt(hexOffset[0:0], lineOffset, 16)
w.Write(zeroHeader[0:(6 - len(hexOffset))])
} else if doCheader {
doCheader = false
if dumpType == dumpBinary {
// binary values
for i, k := 0, octs; i < n; i, k = i+1, k+octs {
binaryEncode(char, line[i:i+1])
if k == octs*groupSize {
k = 0
} else if dumpType == dumpCformat {
if !doCEnd {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
cfmtEncode(char, line[i:i+1], caps)
// no space at EOL
if i != n-1 {
} else if n == cols {
} else {
// hex values -- default
for i, k := 0, octs; i < n; i, k = i+1, k+octs {
hexEncode(char, line[i:i+1], caps)
if k == octs*groupSize {
k = 0
if doCEnd {
w.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatInt(c, 10)))
return nil
if n < len(line) && dumpType <= dumpBinary {
for i := n * octs; i < len(line)*octs; i++ {
if i%octs == 1 {
if dumpType != dumpCformat {
if dumpType <= dumpBinary {
// character values
b := line[:n]
// |hello,.world!|
if opts.Bars {
var v byte
for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
v = b[i]
if v > 0x1f && v < 0x7f {
w.Write(line[i : i+1])
} else {
if opts.Bars {
return nil
@ -264,10 +414,6 @@ func getOffsetFormat() error {
func Hexxy(args []string) error {
color := &Color{}
if opts.Reverse {
return plain2Binary(os.Stdin)
if opts.NoColor {
color.disable = true
@ -276,37 +422,83 @@ func Hexxy(args []string) error {
if len(args) < 1 && stdinOpen() {
if opts.Plain {
return HexdumpPlain(os.Stdin)
} else {
return Hexdump(os.Stdin, color)
var infile, outfile *os.File
var err error
if len(args) < 1 && inputIsPipe() {
infile = os.Stdin
} else {
infile, err = os.Open(args[0])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("hexxy: %v", err.Error())
defer infile.Close()
if opts.Seek != -1 {
_, err = infile.Seek(opts.Seek, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("hexxy: %v", err.Error())
for _, f := range args {
file, err := os.Open(f)
if opts.OutputFile != "" {
outfile, err = os.Open(opts.OutputFile)
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("hexxy: %v", err.Error())
defer file.Close()
} else {
outfile = os.Stdout
defer outfile.Close()
if opts.Plain {
if err := HexdumpPlain(file); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := Hexdump(file, color); err != nil {
return err
switch {
case opts.Binary:
dumpType = dumpBinary
case opts.CInclude:
dumpType = dumpCformat
case opts.Plain:
dumpType = dumpPlain
dumpType = dumpHex
out := bufio.NewWriter(outfile)
defer out.Flush()
if opts.Reverse {
if err := XXD(infile, out, infile.Name()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("hexxy: %v", err.Error())
return nil
const usage_msg = `
hexxy is a command line hex dumping tool
hexxy [OPTIONS] input-file
// extra usage examples
func usage() {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, usage_msg)
func init() {
opts.Seek = -1 // default no-op value
opts.Columns = -1
opts.GroupSize = -1
opts.Len = -1
func main() {
args, err := flags.Parse(&opts)
parser := flags.NewParser(&opts, flags.Default)
args, err := parser.Parse()
if flags.WroteHelp(err) {
@ -314,28 +506,14 @@ func main() {
if opts.Verbose {
Debug = log.Printf
if opts.Reverse {
// f, err := os.Open(args[0])
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// defer f.Close()
err = plain2Binary(os.Stdin)
if err != nil {
if !inputIsPipe() && len(args) == 0 {
err = getOffsetFormat()
if err != nil {
if opts.Verbose {
Debug = log.Printf
if err := Hexxy(args); err != nil {
Reference in a new issue